Maine struggles to compete nationally as CNBC scores our state as the 48th least friendly business environment in the nation. Ranking all 50 states, CNBC scored 85 metrics in 10 different categories to develop their ranking on business competitiveness. According to CNBC, the rankings are largely based on publicly available data including federal government sources. This study is not an opinion survey according to its authors. They “gathered empirical data on the states’ performance in each metric, using the most recent figures available. Data specifically related to the coronavirus covers the period through May 2021.”
Maine ranked particularly poorly in our state’s infrastructure and workforce resources. Regarding infrastructure, the study measured each state’s transportation system, the condition of its highways and bridges, reliability of the electrical grid, and the availability of air travel. Maine ranked 50th, dead last in the country.
Ranking second to last in workforce, 49th in the nation, Maine received very low marks regarding the availability of workers. The study measured educational attainment of each state’s working-age population, each state’s concentration of (STEM) science, technology, engineering and math workers, and basic worker productivity based on economic output per job.
Maine’s highest categorical ranking included quality of life issues, ranking 5th in the life, health and inclusion category. They measured livability factors such as per capita crime rates, health care and environmental quality to determine the scores.
Once more, CNBC confirms what many of us already know about the economic viability of Maine and the ability for working families to succeed. Maine’s public leaders are not engaged in a positive strategy to promote job growth or working together to create a conducive environment for economic success. If Maine people are to succeed economically, we must attract new businesses to our state and promote policies that genuinely support, not suppress growth for our existing businesses. This should be the principal goal for all our public officials.
Check out all 50 state rankings below: