On Wednesday, the Maine Health & Human Services Committee voted on party lines to REJECT a common-sense measure that would have prohibited taxpayer funded welfare benefits from being used at Disneyland, liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs be requiring that recipients keep receipts for purchases.
The Health & Human Services Committee held a work session and voted AGAINST LD 117: An Act to Prohibit the Use of Electronic Benefits Transfer System Cards for Cash Withdrawals. This common-sense welfare reform measure would ensure that welfare benefits on EBT cards – funded by taxpayers – have appropriate receipt documentation and and are subject to audits.
Welfare benefits should be used for what they are intended for, and NOT for vacations, alcohol, gambling, or adult entertainment.
This measure still needs to be voted on by the House and Senate. Contact your legislators today and tell them to OPPOSE WELFARE FRAUD and support this common-sense welfare reform!