Jesus warns His disciples in verse 13 to be on the alert. We learned SO MUCH! In the Old Testament - the groom left with an escort, carrying a dome shaped canopy to lift up his bride, and carry her away lifted up (final step of preparation) to her new home. Some WILL be left behind because they were NOT ready and their lamps not filled with the OIL of the Holy Spirit when the BRIDE (the true Church) is finally , The Ancient Galilean Wedding is symbolically the same way the Church will be , Everything on Earth is a fore-shadow of what is to come. Lets examine what an Ancient Galilean Wedding would look like through the procedure as follows. We are witnessing the nations and people turning their backs on Israel. - By Dr. Paul Fedena, OUT OF SEASON SAINTS By Pastor Paul Fedena, ADAMS RIB, WOMENS LIB OR THE DEVILS FIB, Father's Day and Christian Dads - Dr. Paul Fedena, "SISTERS or (WOMEN IN THE CHURCH) - Romans 16:1,2 - Dr. Paul Fedena, MOTHERS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM By Paol Fedena - 5-21-2000, Paul Fedena's Sermon - MOTHER - HOME BUILDER, QUEEN MOTHER - Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, FEMALES, GIRLS, WOMEN, LADIES, WIVES and MOTHERS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 6:1-4, MOTHER SUPERIOR Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, MRS. UNIVERSE Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:26-28, THE SAD CONSEQUENCES OF FORGIVEN SINS - Dr. Paul Fedena, Hermeneutics - How To Study The Bible - Dr. Paul Fedena, Apostasy and Church Discipline By Dr. Paul Fedena, Bible Series On the Church and Worship - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 1 - Romans 11:33 - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 2 - BIBLE SERIES BY Dr. Paul Fedena - Do You Know Jesus? Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. The bridegroom then takes a sip from the cup, solidifying their Covenant. Bible Prophecy - KEY to Kowing the Future! The Bible is the "document" that states Gods promises to us, and our rights as "His Son Yeshuas Bride the true Church." 15:13-37, Make A Wish - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 3, GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY! The seven days symbolize the 7 Year Tribulation in which the Church as the Bride of Christ is in heaven. "But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the son, but the father." - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Kings 6:1-6, YOUR GOD AND YOUR GOLD - Dr. Paul Fedena - Philippians 4:10-19, When God Tests Our Faith - GLORIFYING GOD IN THE FIRE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 24:15, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO ---- SATAN! Though you do not see him now, you trust him" 1 Peter 1:8. . SERMON SERIES BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Over 300 Sermons Plus Thousands More! All rights reserved. This may seem bizarre but its part of the Ancient Galilean Wedding tradition. YOU WILL ESCAPE THE TRIBULATION - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew. Everyone would rush to the betrothal at the main gate whether you were invited or not, everyone will participate! - 1 Corinthians 6:20. (3) Mohar - The price negotiated for the bride. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 25:28-29, THE END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT) - "THE TRIBULATION Period - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 24:21, This is Not the End of the World By Daymond Duck, THE GREAT WHITE THRONE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 20:11-15, Pre-Trib Research Center - Tim LaHaye and Dr. Thomas Ice, THE NEW JERUSALEM - The Bride, The Wife of the Lamb! "Though you have not seen him, you love him. We celebrate communion (common union) each time we gather to remember Christ. :: Tribulation Chronicles - Part 1 a - Rapture Ready, True Worship :: Tribulation Chronicles - Part 1b - Rapture Ready, The Great White Throne - Revelation 20: 11-15, Frequently Asked Questions On Prophecy and Other Bible Truths, Glossary of Pre-Tribulation Rapture Terms, Prophecy Book - Rapture to the Millennium (Over 40 Messages On Prophecy) By Dr. Paul Fedena, HOW WILL IT LOOK 100 YEARS FROM NOW? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1 - (3 Messages), BLOOD, BREAD AND FIRE - The Christians Threefold Experience by Vance Havner, Seven Biblical Signs of the Times By Lewis Sperry Chafer, The March of Empires Study on book of Daniel by Floyd Hitchcock, GOD PORTRAYS WOMEN by Grace McAllister - Part One and Two, WIVES OF THE BIBLE - By W. B. Riley - A Cross-Section of Femininity, Pierson, Arthur T.-Vital Union With Christ, or Shall We Continue in Sin?- 1961- Practical Christian Living, THE SUCCESS OF SIN Dr. Paul Fedena - Habakkuk 1:1-12, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Old & New Testament, Survey of the Old and New Testament - 66 WEEK SERIES For YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena and Others, The Moody Bible Commentary (FREE) A One Volume Commentary on the Whole Bible By the Faculty of Moody Bible Institute. became a Nation again. The Mikveh In the Old Testament times the bride and groom is immersed in a cleansing bath a "Mikveh." - The Feasts of the LORD - GOD'S Appointed Times, Series On The Lord's Supper - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Corinthians 11:26, MAN: THE REMARKABLE REFLECTION OF GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1;26-27, The Process of copying the Old Testament by Jewish Scribes - Dr. Paul Fedena, NIGHT SONGS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 77:6, CHOOSE A BLESSING TODAY! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Titus 1:16, SOME THINGS I LEARNED TOO LATE - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Tim.4:6-8, THE LOCATION OF CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN AMERICA, ILL TAKE WHATS BEHIND DOOR #___ - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Cor.16:9, A LOOK INTO YOUR FUTURE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Prov.27:7, ITS O.K. In todays world, we could gather all the materials in a single weekend, but during the time of Christ, it took more time. - Psalm 23:6 - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOPICAL BIBLE SERIES BY Paul Fedena - Over 200 Messages On Biblical Truthes, The Greatest YouTube Videos For The Christian, MUSIC & THE CHRISTIAN Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Corinthians 14:7-11, THE VIEW FROM THE PULPIT By Pastor Paul Fedena. 1. According to Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum in his must-read book The Footsteps of the Messiah, there are four steps involved with such a wedding: 1 .The father of the groom makes the arrangements. During the 1stCentury AD Galilee betrothals between a young man and his future bride often took place near the Gates of the City because thats where the Elders usually were and where contracts were signed. The disciples understood what Jesus meant because they were all Galileans. "SATAN'S COUNTERFEIT COMMISSION" - Matthew 16:15; 23:15 - Dr. Paul Fedena, BEFORE ALL ELSE FAILS, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS By Dr. Paul Fedena. 4:13-18). 12:2 THESIS: To illustrate the biblical doctrine of separation. They were to always be ready! And she said, "I will go." - Dr. Paul Fedena - Amos 8:11-12, THE THEORIES OF THE INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Timothy 3:15-16, GLUED TO GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Sam. Gods Word is true! DR. PAUL FEDENA - Preacher, Teacher, & Evangelist & "Friend To Churches" (KJB), In Honor of Paul and Shirley Fedena, for all the years of Faithfulness - Legacy Five - Faithful to The Cross, REMEMBER ME AFTER I DIE - Paul and Shirley Fedena, Pastor Paul Fedena's Doctrinal Statement and Disclaimer for Website, FAITHFUL WORDS From the Sermons of Pastor Paul Fedena, SERMON Helps for the Pastor and his Church - Paul Fedena, Sermons (1976 1994) By Dr. Paul Fedena Faith Baptist Church Fairless Hills, PA. Fedena Website Leftovers - Compiled by Rob Madden TREASURE TROVE OF ALL THINGS KING JAMES BIBLE! WHEN SATAN SPEAKS - Luke 8:11-12 - 2. 1:8-10, A SONG TO SING ON THE WAY TO CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 100, 5 Bible Facts To Defend The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ, I Love My Attorney - Jesus Christ Advocate - Paid In Full, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 1:3, BLEST BE THE TIE THAT BINDS PASTOR & PEOPLE! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 20:28, IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 21:1-11, STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE! In the Old Testament the Ketubah- Marriage Contract stated the promises of the groom, and the rights of the bride. The bride receives the covenant or proposal - an agreement stating that the couple would soon be wed was ratified and read aloud followed by an exchange of gifts, including a dowry (the MOHAR - an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage). Paul Fedena - James 4:14, SOME BEDTIME PRAYERS (As prayed by different types of people) By Dr. Jack Hyles, WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO - Dr. Paul Fedena, AFTER THE SPANKING Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 (Church Discipline), Open Letter to Those Who Miss the Rapture :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr, ITS JUST A MATTER OF TIME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 90:9-12, The Fruit of the Spirit Dr. Paul Fedena - Galatians 5:22-23, A SERIES ON God's Promises - Dr. Paul Fedena. We too are waiting for the SOUND of the TRUMPET! As a Christian, I wonder if it is possible for another Christian to be a Democrat? Some of these connections are superficial at best. Summary. The Lord promises that He WILL return and take His Bride (the true believers) to where He is so we WLL also be! or THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 3:5, GET READY FOR REVIVAL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 7:13, THE SIN OF DOING NOTHING! And so, the people of those days understood what He was saying to them? McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study, Booklets by Dr. J. Vernon McGee on a wide variety of topics, THE LARGEST THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY ON THE WEB, OR THE INTERNET! 2 .After a period of time, the groom fetches his bride under two conditions: or SELAH- Dr. Paul Fedena - Isa 30:7, THE ARCH-TERRORIST & HIS TARGETS Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 1:6-2:7, WHAT DO YOU SEE ON CALVARY? We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. The groom, accompanied by his male friends (Judges 14:11), would go to the house of the bride at midnight, making a parade with torches through the streets. ! Night Bible Study? Interestingly same parallel to the Galilean wedding; When the time came the FATHER gave permission to his son to fetch his bride. Dr. Paul Fedena TEXT: I John 5:19-20, WHEN YOU ARE DOWN, HE IS UP - Pastor Paul Fedena, THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT HEAVEN & HELL or HELL IS NO JOKE & HEAVEN IS NO FAIRY TALE By Dr. Paul Fedena, ALL SINS ARE SIN, BUT BELIEVERS CAN ALWAYS BE VICTORIOUS! The Groom gathers His Bride, brings her to the Fathers house for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Married forever! Jesus will be coming soon to collect (rapture) His bride. - Genesis 24:4. FORGIVENESS - Question Do we need to confess our sins to God in order to be forgiven? With joy and gladness, they are led along as they enter the palace of the king. - Psalms 45: 13-15. This means that the couple even sleeps in their wedding clothes. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Peter 3:1-7, MEMORIES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 65:17, A Choice To Rejoice - Dr. Paul Fedena - Philippians 4:10-13, MYSTERY + MYSTIQUE = MAJESTY (IN RELATIONSHIPS) Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 5:28-33, Religious, But LOST - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:18-24, PHILIPPIANS COMMENTARY (33 Sermons) - Dr. Paul Fedena, PREACHERS, PREPAREYOUR TIME IS COMING Dr. Paul Fedena - Proverbs 6:6-11, GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT! or GARBAGE IN GOODNESS OUT? Dr. Paul Fedena - Ezekiel 18:1-4, PRAYER IS THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 1:14, SALTLESS SAINTS or GOOD FOR NOTHING! In the same way when Yeshua (Jesus) returns at midnight hour for His Bride and when least expected the Bride of Christ MUST be ready always and NOT asleep! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 6:9-11, YOUR FUTURE IS DETERMINED TODAY or THE AWESOME POWER OF CHOICE - Pastor Paul Fedena - Joshua 24:15, FOR PASTORS ONLY or Make Full Proof of Thy Ministry - Pastor Paul Fedena - 2 Timothy 4:5, NoteworthyQuotes From Pastor PaulFedena, GETTING THE BRIDE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 24, THE BUMPS ARE WHAT YOU CLIMB ON - Pastor Paul Fedena - THE BUMPS ARE WHAT YOU CLIMB ON - Pastor Paul. In the same way, when we, as . In Matthew 25 our Lord gives us; The Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish virgins. The OIL represents the Holy Spirit. After the betrothal contract the bride and bridegroom WILL. Yeshua (Jesus) promises that, There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom, Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like, , at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon. (Hebrew 12:24). (1891-1965), The Difference Is In The Dispensations How To Make Sense Of The Differences In The Bible By Timothy S. Morton, Some Questions for the Lordship Salvation Believers, Greatest Hymns, Praise and Worship Music, and Spiritual Songs Ever Compiled By Rob and Brenda Madden - Over 8 Hours of Godly Christian Music, 1 Corinthians Study By Dr. Paul Fedena - (Over 90 Messages), Scriptures to read when you are oppressed or afraid - Dr. Paul Fedena, A BOX, A BOTTLE & A BOOK - Dr. Paul Fedena - Exodus 25:37-40; 30:7,8; Lev.24:2, JAMES - VERSE-BY-VERSE COMMENTARY - Dr. Paul Fedena, HE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME! The Galilean bride would receive gifts to remind her of the bridegrooms love for her during their separation; "I adorned you with jewellery putting bracelets upon your hands, and a chain on your neck, a jewel on your forehead, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head." Now, more than at any time is the time to support Israel and the Jewish people - the Lords Brethren! - Part 1 and 2 - Manfred E. Kober, Th.D. . In the Ancient Galilee Wedding tradition, scholars have found that the hour of the wedding would be in the middle of the night! This meant that many of the parables, sayings, and customs that Jesus spoke to His disciples would have to have Galilean roots. But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. ~Matthew 24:36. The answer to the first question is YES, but the answer to the second is that no one knows for sure as only God the Father in Heaven knows when that day and hour will be upon us. Understanding ISLAM - the Enemy of the West! (Oxon. The Church in the New Testament is depicted as "the Bride of Christ" and is waiting and yearning for the Coming of the Bridegroom. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 3:1-17, Armed and dangerous Part 1 HOLD ON TO THE SWORD! - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Samuel 23:8-10, ARMED & DANGEROUS (Part 2) - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Those who are awake would be ready for the bridegrooms return for his bride and would join the procession. - Pastor Paul Fedena - Psalm 91:1-10, WHERE WAS GOD? Dr. Paul Fedena - Jeremiah 49:8, A NEW COMMITMENT FOR THE NEW YEAR Dr. Paul Fedena 2 Chronicles 34:31, MIDNIGHT MADNESS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 16:22-26. Is Victory Available? You rush down to join the paradethere's going to be a weddingand you're invited!". - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 8:8, More on Missions and Missionaries = Dr. Paul Fedena, MISSIONARY QUESTIONARE - Pastor Paul Fedena, THE BATTLE FOR VICTORY or The Apostle Pauls Autobiography - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 7:14, WHEN A NATION FORGETS GOD - Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. King James Version, The Giant Statue Coming To 21 Cities Across The Globe - America Sinks into Deep Depravity, The Hagia Sophia - A true Picture of Islam - By Raymond Ibrahim, GET ON BOARD & SET SAIL - Finding God's Will - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 13, OF ANGELS & DEVILS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Colossians 1:16-17, OUR MYSTERIOUS BODYGUARDS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 1:14, WORKING ANGELS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 103:20, The Mighty Pen & The Mighty Men - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Samuel 23, Twenty Prominent Facts on the Return of the Lord, ME TOO! REALLY? - Dr. Paul Fedena - John 21:1-7, TRY MY PHYSICIAN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:5, DO YOU HAVE HEART DISEASE? Lions and Honey - Dr. Paul Fedena - Judges 14:5-9, Paul Fedena's Letter To Pastors Concerning the King James Bible, LOAVES, FISHES & LOST SOULS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Mark 8:1-9, LOST CHURCH MEMBERS! Once again Thank you! Paul Fedena - Hebrews 3:1-3, TOTALLY AWESOME 4 THE COMFORTER HAS COME! Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB), "WHAT NEXT?!" . List of BIBLE COMMENTARIES, Sermons, & Articles On The Whole Bible, FREE DOWNLOADS - For Bible Books, Commentaries, Sermons, and Articles - Great Bible Teachers and Preachers, The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 1 - 5 By Merrill C. Tenney, POWER POINT - WELCOME Slides To Run Before Church Services, ZONDERVAN ALL-IN-ONE BIBLE REFERENCE GUIDE, RANSACKING THE SCRIPTURES BIBLE RULES FOR BIBLE STUDY By KEITH L. BROOKS, 2 Corinthians Series - Chapter One - Paul Fedena, Romans Verse by Verse Exposition MIDDLETOWN BIBLE CHURCH, Romans Verse by Verse Exposition - Dr. Paul Fedena, In Gods Court, Is America GONE? Jesus was Galilean. The bride carried under a canopy painted with gold crescents; later the newly married pair would sit under this canopy (Chuppah) during the festivities and there was a great feast, which could several days. With joy and gladness, they are led along as they enter the palace of the king. - Psalms 45: 13-15. Yeshua (Jesus) will marry His Bride at the time of the Rapture. This was done after the exchange of gifts, which were costly. I believe the Galilean wedding customs that Jesus alluded to in the Upper Room help us understand the grief of the Thessalonians (1 Thess. A NATION IN CRISIS - Dr. Paul Fedena - THE STATE OF THE UNION 2021, A Whole Generation of Kids Are Being Brainwashed, I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, A Message on Christian Integrity - I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE Dr. Paul Fedena, We waged a war on poverty and poverty won. President Ronald Reagan, 1988 State of the Union Address, ABORTION - THOU SHALT NOT KILL! Accident or Design? I am a Christian, Husband, Father, Author, and Singer. We MUST watch and pray! I've authored several Christian books as well as a children's book, which can be found on Amazon. She was to be ready, as well as her bridesmaids. Vine's Expository Dictionary of the New Testament and Old Testament, Bible verses related to Adversity from the King James Version (KJV), Bible verses related to Grace from the King James Version (KJV), Bible Verses About Birth Of Jesus - KING JAMES BIBLE, New Jerusalem - Something To Look Forward To, THE PROPHETIC WORD IN CRISIS DAYS Prophetic Messages Delivered at the West Coast Prophetic Congress in the Los Angeles, Calif. area in mid-1961 by Various Contributors, The Revelation An Analysis and Exposition of the Last Book of the Bible By Arno Clemens Gaebelein, The Two Modes Of Humanity Part 1: The View Delineated And Supported Philippe R. Sterling Pastor, Unparalleled Levels of Tyranny Coming to America, Last Things (Eschatology) (By John Walvoord and Others), THINGS TO COME - Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost - A Study in Biblical Eschatology, Top Prophecy Site For Bible (KJB) Believers, ALL THINGS BIBLE PROPHECY BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Eschatology, RAPTURE - Come Fly With Me - Dr. Paul Fedena, Judgment Seat of Christ By Dr. Paul Fedena, Judgment Seat of Christ By Dr. Paul Fedena, Tribulation Chronicles - By Alice Childs - Rapture Ready, Tribulation Chronicles Part 3: War, Famine, Death & Hell, Suddenly! The Groom (Yeshua) appears and finds some believers being born again and longing for His return BUT sadly some nominal believers who are not! We must like Israel be seen greatlyrejoicing in this Prophetic verse; I will greatlyrejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a, - those who claim the Name of the God of Israel and dwell in His City, The groom went back to his fathers house to prepare the ", "Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber. Then the Groom seals with this; But I say to you, I will NOT drink of this fruit of the vine from now on. Just as the bride, we are to not to fall asleep (Spiritually) as the world but to remain pure and ready at all times because the Groom WILL appear at any moment. Your eyes are doves behind your veil" - Song of Solomon 4:7. OR FROM EDEN TO PARADISE? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 14:25-33, Henry Moorhouse and D. L. Moody - "the man who moved the man who moved the world", From Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler - Antii-Semitism, Dr. Constables Notes - Constable, provide commentary on all 66 books of the Bible, The 3 Most Bizarre Branches of the Trans Rights Movement, Bible Verses About The Fetus Being Human King James Bible, DO YOU TEST POSITIVE?! By understanding their cultural wedding you will be awed at how you now . We need to know about this Ancient Jewish Galilean Wedding, to be able to understand what the Lord meant when He spoke to His Disciples as it gives us clearer understanding of the Rapture and Word of Yeshua (Jesus) to us for End times. 19:7-9 - Dr. Paul Fedena, The Battle of Armageddon - WORLD WAR III - Dr. Paul Fedena, THE MILLENNIUM EARTHS GLORY YEARS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 21:1-5, Life In The Millennium - Dr. Paul Fedena - Zechariah 14:4-21, Life On Earth During The Millennium (Jack Kelly), MILLENNIUM STAGE 2 IN THE BELIEVERS 3 LIVES Dr. Paul Fedena Zechariah 14:4-21, Pictures of the Antichrist by Pastor Paul Fedena, Information for those Left Behind After The RAPTURE, The Beast of Revelation 13 - 1 Thessalonians 5:3 -The UN Just Put Up A Giant Statue In New York That Closely Resembles A Beast Described In The Book Of Revelation, FEET & TOES - Is this the beginning of the end? Lordship Salvation Forgotten Truth or a False Doctrine? Are there any new discoveries? OR "WAR, WORKS AND WORSHIP IN HEAVEN" - Dr. Paul Fedena, THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB: Rev. how beautiful you are, my love, how very beautiful! The servant is nameless, thus typifies the Holy Spirit. - Gender Confusion - Dr. Paul Fedena. All of the disciples of Jesus were from Galilee. He will prepare the wedding feast with oil lamps, and rugs that will take place in the new home. June 29, 2022. The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. Even though, they did NOT yet live together the bride belonged to the groom and only a divorce could annul the contract (Leviticus 19:20). It demonstrates that we the bride will be lifted (raptured) and taken to the Fathers House in Heaven to avoid the 7-year tribulation that will be visited upon the Earth. What does the Bible say about gay marriage? And, with the sound of the trump (Shofar) he announced his arrival in the middle of the night. During the, Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. Fedena, MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH - 13 MESSAGES BY: DR. PAUL FEDENA, Sermons On Psalms and Proverbs - Dr. Paul Fedena - 59 Messages, THE SECURITY OF THE SAINTS By Dr. Paul C. Fedena, COULD YOU BE THE OTHER BROTHER? NEW Preamble to the Constitution - Lewis Napper of Mississippi. 27:1; Jas. "In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. If so - when is He coming? - Mark 13:32. 1:22 Show more The Galilean. Timothy S. Morton, LARA LOGAN: FACTS VS. THE SILENT GENERATION--- THE BEST OF TIMES, SPIRITUAL PERFECTION IN 2022? Is United States becoming like Sodom & Gomorrah? FROM HERE TO ETERNITY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 10:1-7, Birth Pangs Developing Now! Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 24:13-35, THE BLOOD OF CHRIST Series - Dr. Paul Fedena - (3 Messages), LIONS & HONEY Dr. Signs of the Times - Are We Reaching A Prophetic Boiling Point? 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