Calories % Daily Value* 40%. Covered with sizzling melted cheddar cheese. 2 of our homemade 1/4 lb. Served with avocado ranch dressing. Calorie breakdown: 59.2% fat, 23.6% carbs, 17.2% protein. Served with a heaping portion of golden French fries. Activity Needed to Burn: 410 calories 1 Hour of Cycling 41 Minutes of Running Huevos con Chorizo $8.95 . or "How many meals a day should you eat?" 93 Ratings. Served in a crunchy flour tortilla bowl with your choice of salad dressing. Percentages are based on a diet of 2000 calories a day. /Length 48 stream I wonder if there is more to be done to spice up the chicken. 22 0 obj . 9 0 obj << DISCLAIMER: Information shown may not reflect recent changes. Serve immediately and garnish with onion slices. /Domain[0 1] Tim White, Windsor, ON Go to Recipe 7 / 60 Texas Red River Margaritas When I lived in Texas, I decided to create a cocktail that represented my new home. Fiesta . $15.95 Tostadas Suizas Three open face tacos layered with fried beans and your choice of meat. Features Submenu Macros Tracker With the best macro tracking app for the Keto diet, never be left wondering if you're "doing Keto right". A mixture of spinach and chihuahua cheese. Or individual oven-proof plates, if you prefer. ""! stream stream Chicken Fingers Deep-fried breaded chicken fingers. Served with rice and beans. /Type/XObject A giant flour tortilla grilled to a golden crisp. Pepe's Papas $10.95 Potato skins stuffed with chorizo, topped with Chihuahua or Bacon with Cheddar cheese. To assemble, top each tostada with refried beans, ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado and pico de gallo or salsa. << "0 b "` ` b"!2 "" @ $ " ` 2 2 0 2"`$"" ! " $14.95. Sauteed beef simmered in our delicious tomato and jalapeno pepper sauce. Taco, enchilada suiza and tostada suiza with your choice of filling. $12.50 Beef (Frito) A deep-fried burrito topped with guacamole and tomatoes. * DI: Recommended Daily Intake based on 2000 calories diet. Broiled skirt steak served with choice of taco, tostada suiza, enchilada Suiza, flauta, tostada, or tamale. For those of you, that want to make your own Salsa Verde, follow the recipe. [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 7 14 0 R] Comes with beans or rice. Spicy, but not hot. Get your order delivered or pick it up. endstream Valparaiso, IN 46383, US. Mild chihuahua cheese and crab meat blend. Since 2005, a community of over 200 million members have used MyFitnessPal to answer those questions and more. /ColorSpace 22 0 R /Type/ExtGState Mashed refried beans are usually used as the first layer because they spread over the tortilla well, and the other toppings have a better chance of sticking to the beans than they would the straight tortilla. << endobj Eight beef taquitos topped with melted cheddar and chihuahua cheese. Your choice of filling with soft or crisp corn tortillas or soft flour tortillas. endstream Empanada $4.75 A sweet puff of lightly fried flour tortilla, with . CARNE ASADA ESPECIAL. If you are still not sure after reading the label, contact the manufacturer. We do our best to find recipes suitable for many diets whether vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, dairy free, etc. Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. By using our free meal planner (and the rest of you have to agree that you and only you are responsible for anything that happens to you because of something you have read on this site or have bought/cooked/eaten because of this site. Topped with 4 jumbo shrimp and ranchera sauce. /Subtype/Image 28 0 obj Tender, juicy and flavorful. >> This ice cream has a crispy cinnamon coating just like the fried ice cream served at Mexican restaurants, but minus the oily mess. Filled with carnitas, roasted peppers, onions, sour topping and fried beans. endstream Flan. of HERDEZ Salsa Verde cooking sauces or your homemade salsa, shredded Oaxaca or Fresh Mozzarella Cheese. In Mexico, we have a popular saying: these are not enchiladas.It is often used when you want to tell someone that something isnt as easy as, say, making enchiladas. All rights reserved. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 18.5% protein. 2000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. endobj /Filter/FlateDecode /ColorSpace 22 0 R Fry the tortillas in oil, or buy store bought tostadas. Smothered with cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. 18.5% protein. C ! Served with Spanish rice and refried beans. Explore restaurants near you to find what you love. Form the tostadas by spreading refried beans on the fried tortilla, and then add the ground beef, lettuce, cheese, salsa verde, and Mexican crema. Deep-fried, rolled in cinnamon, topped with whipped cream and a cherry. %PDF-1.4 Kid's Tostada Suiza Dinner $5.50 1 Beef tostada suiza. /Subtype/Image Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. a1 !0@ 0 P0 @@ @ ! @+vr; 4IUQf3 Tamale $3.50 Fresh ground masa, filled with shredded pork and wrapped in corn husks and steamed. endobj How does this food fit into your daily goals? /Length 6672 5 0 obj /ColorSpace 19 0 R CARNE ASADA ESPECIAL. stream Please note that the variety of menu may vary depending on your Twelve spicy chicken wings. /Length 884 Calorie breakdown: Topped with melted cheddar and chihuahua cheese and ranchera sauce. 26 0 obj A sweet puff of lightly fried flour tortilla with apple, cherry or blueberry filling topped with powdered sugar and cinnamon. stream $23.35+ Grilled Steak Fajitas X { 1 exch sub } Served with rice and beans. X
g Skirt steak with three eggs, beans, rice and grilled onions. << ! Preheat your oven to 350F. Mouth watering blend of cheddar and chihuahua melted together served piping hot. /Width 79 Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate. 9.95 Family Combination Platte r* 6 Tacos, 6 taquitos; and one each of the following Mexican snacks: t ostada de guacamole, tostada suiza, enchilada suiza, flauta and tama le. endobj " "!0 0"0 `""@ " $ " """ !$ """ "" "" "$ R " ! 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220########################################################################################################################################## ########################################################################################################################################## 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Put the cooked tortillas on a rimmed baking sheet and place in a 250F oven to keep warm. /Subtype/Image . q@ A ! Use your Uber account to order delivery from Pepe's Mexican Restaurants in Chicago. 3 1/2 cups refried beans, homemadeor from 2 (15-ounce) cans, 1/2 head iceberg lettuce, sliced thin and seasoned with salt and vinegar (no oil), 1 to 2 avocados, choppedpeeled and pitted,or guacamole, 8 ounces grated Monterrey Jack, Cheddar, or crumbled queso fresco and/or cotija cheese, 1 cupsalsa, or 1/2 cup slicedpickled jalapeos. Botana Chica. Order TOSTADA SUIZA online from Pepes Mexican Restaurant - Homer Glen 14853 S Founders Crossing. Served with rice and beans. /Filter/FlateDecode Taco, tostada and a flauta with your choice of filling. 3 enchilada filled with a crabmeat blend covered with melted chihuahua cheese and ranchera sauce. >> Top Pepe's Items. Classic Mexican custard. 0 0 @1 0 ! "$ B # " "!C "r " " "0 "@@ B" "$ #B#$ "@ "@ ""C """ " $ @@ D@" "@ "@ " D" ! Vrooman Southside Pepe's Mexican Tostada Suiza Chicken (1 serving) contains 21g total carbs, 21g net carbs, 17g fat, 19g protein, and 320 calories. a delicious and elegant dish thats perfect for a nice dinner. . Get delivery or takeout from Pepe's Mexican Restaurant at 8128 West 95th Street in Hickory Hills. Pepe's menu /Height 47 Fried Ice Cream. 1 @ ! Topped with lettuce, Mexican cheese and tomato. If you are using regular canned beans, drain them, then add them to the pan with a little water, mash them as you heat them. and a side of rice & beans Add Steak for $1.5 per item $17.28 Flautas Dinner beef or chickenerved w/ your choice of beef, chicken, or pork. << Currently there is no recipe available for Pepe's Pork & Bean Tostada Suiza, however here are some other copycat recipes you might be interested in: You may also check if there are any coupons and deals available to save on this and many other 16 0 obj /Width 87 $13.95 Meat & Bean Lettuce, tomato, and sour topping inside. How long would it take to burn off 410 calories of Pepe's Chicken & Bean Tostada Suiza ? Tacos and tostadas are very similar. ! /Subtype/Image There are 410 calories in a 1 tostada serving of Pepe's Pork & Bean Tostada Suiza. Please tell us by clicking here if you know that any of the information shown is incorrect. Thats why Im making this recipe using some leftover rotisserie chicken and Herdez Tomatillo Verde Cooking Salsa. Served with rice and beans. items. B"$` B " " 1 ` "1! " The decision that confronts you when you decide to make tostadas is, "How easy do I want this process to be?" Exras for an additional charge. Grilled chicken or steak served over a bed of chopped lettuce with tomatoes, onions and shredded cheese. items. Served with rice and beans. Served in a crunchy flour tortilla bowl with your choice of salad dressing. >> Spoonacular is not responsible for any adverse effects or damages that occur because of your use of the website or any information it provides (e.g. 3 enchiladas covered with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Taco, enchilada suiza, and tostada suiza. A@QP Q A A ! A huge tortilla bowl filled with tortilla chips, covered with chopped tomatoes, green onions and mild jalapeno cheese sauce. Our burger topped with melted cheese and served with fries. Pepe's Famous Salsa 16 oz. Spread of the sauce in a greased 9 X 12 baking dish. /Width 1604 [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 7 18 0 R] Pepe's Mexican Restaurant Pepe's Tostadas Beef & Bean Suiza (1 serving) contains 26g total carbs, 22g net carbs, 29g fat, 19g protein, and 440 calories. /Height 14 This recipe details how to fry up corn tortillas to make the tostada shells. ). More recipes:Pork Spare Ribs in Salsa VerdeTabasco Style Enchiladas with a Picadillo filling. [/Indexed 4 0 R 1 11 0 R] 410. Flash fried, topped with a cloud of whipped topping. $35.84. 30 0 obj Mexican fondue. location. Crunchy coated ice cream. Served with rice and beans. /BitsPerComponent 4 /Filter/FlateDecode Fill the center of each tortilla with the chicken and roll it up. << Topped with lettuce, Mexican cheese and tomato. 12 0 obj Chicken tinga is easy to make at home and perfect for topping tostadas. @A R@! tostada. after cooking/consuming a recipe on or on any of the sites we link to, after reading information from articles or shared via social media, etc. A wonderful combination of taquitos quesadillas and garnachas. /Length 25 stream << Tostada $3.25+ /BitsPerComponent 4 Carne Asada Suiza $17.95 Beef skirt steak broiled to perfection. /BitsPerComponent 1 It's usually made with a fried corn tortilla, topped with refried beans, shredded cheese, salsa, and other toppings. A huge tortilla bowl filled with tortilla chips,covered with your choice of meat. With crisp lettuce, sliced tomato and onion. "" ! "" Nutrition Facts Easy Tostada Recipe Amount Per Serving /Range[0 1] /Width 116 Topped with a bit of nacho cheese and ranchera sauce. 1/2 carne asada or 1/4 grilled chicken breast and your choice of a tostada suiza, tamale, taco, sope, or flauta. Pepe's Mexican Restaurant menu Toggle navigation. . Calorie breakdown: 55.0% fat, 25.4% carbs, 19.6% protein. Tabasco Style Enchiladas with a Picadillo filling. Tender, juicy and flavorful beef skirt steak with choice of item. % $ $ " " " " " " !0 2 " " " 2 "@ "@ " b$ " " !"! endobj There are 440 calories in a 1 tostada serving of Chicken a la Mexicana $12.95. ########################################################################################################################################## 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