I was shocked and turned to the mystery man who had disappeared as quietly as he had arrived. Germain Hotels is a Canadian family business behind Le Germain, Alt and Esca d hotels across Canada. Your attention is your power of concentration. It is believed by the adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings that he then traveled secretly to Transylvania (then part of Hungary, now part of Romania) to the Rakoczy Mansion of the noble family of Hungary. I witnessed both become St. Germain in the blink of an eye. Keith, who was gay, was sentenced to five years in prison in 1965 for sodomy, charges that he protested during his three year sentence. In these first two books, Ballard discusses his personal experiences with Saint Germain and reveals many teachings that are in harmony with Theosophy. Volume 13 - Beloved Saint Germain's Talks $32.00. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Alice Bailey, also a theosophist, said she dictated the direct teachings of Djwhal Khul, a Tibetan Master in her many books. The Chart of the "Mighty I AM Presence" is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one's own Individualized Presence of God. THE POWER OF LIGHT IN YOU IS THE POWER OF GOD, THE "MIGHTY I AM.". Saint Germain on Alchemy Lecture By Elizabeth Clare Prophet This video clip is a preview of the 2-DVD Set,Saint Germain on Alchemyby Elizabeth Clare Prophet. At times, There are 20 volumes in the Saint Germain Series of Books, which are also referred to as the "Green Books". disappearing and reappearing throughout history, masterminding world events. Each person was shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately. Saint Germain has lived many lives including Prophet Samuel of the Old Testament, Sir Francis Bacon, Saint Joseph, A High Priest of Atlantis, Christopher Columbus, and Merlin to name only a few. Saint Germain's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Pageant. We overseeand ministerto the "I AM" Activity community in America and throughout the world. According to Stephen Wagner, Saint Germain is said to be linked to several secret societies, from the Rosicrucians to Freemasons, Society of Asiatic Brothers, the Knights of Light, the Illuminati and Order of the Templars. He created an aura of mystery among the nobility by hypnotizing them with tales of past lives and magical powers. Le Germain Hotel Quebec is tucked away on a picturesque little street in the heart of Old Quebec.It's the perfect, peaceful oasis where you can spend the day exploring the quays of the Old Port and the lovely labyrinth of city streets, then return in the evening and relax in luxurious comfort. He tells us that St. Germain and the Master Jesus (different than Jesus Christ or the Etheric Christ) alternate their incarnations each 100 years so that one of them is incarnated at all times. What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About You, Dr. Bradley Nelson On How to Break Down Our Heart Walls, How 'The Boy with the Broken Brain' Became A World Leader in Learning, 3 Powerful Tips to Activate the Law of Attraction in Your Life, Amma: The Loving, Hugging, Humanitarian Saint, Sacred Power: Medical Intuition and Why People Don't Heal, Ocean Noise Pollution From Drilling and Sonar Is Beaching Whales, Buckminster Fuller's Spaceship Earth Is More Relevant Than Ever, We Can Easily Solve The Problem of Food Waste, 7 Tools for Managing Overwhelming Emotions, Push Away Nothing: The Art of Receptivity, 7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negativity, 5 Life-Healing Lessons We Can Learn from Animals. Elizabeth produced a tremendous amount of channeled material from all of the masters. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. To understand the man, one must dig deep into the many aspects of one of humankinds most cryptic, yet influential spiritual entities. , referring to the highest frequency of spiritual energy. The ascended master Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray and sponsor of the United States of America. [17], Also see the article "Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements" by Paul Zweig, The New York Times, 5 October 1980, which maintains that Madame Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent. I do believe that the Masters of Wisdom and the Harmony of Feelings and Sensations (as Steiner calls them) are certainly real and do incarnate in human bodies. Ellen wanted me to tell her if one or both of the two St. Germain channelers were untruthful or fraudulent. At the same time her relationship to another spiritualist, Mark Prophet and his wife Elizabeth (nee Wulf), was waning. We often overlook the importance of. ), According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Francis Bacon made it appear that he died on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1626, and even attended his own "funeral" in disguise. He set up the Aquarian Foundation to support his work, and Ellen was one of his earliest supportersboth financially and spiritually. He believed himself to be the rightful heir to the throne of England and this claim was found in the coded words of the documents he printed. When we think of healing we often think of taking medications, receiving treatments, or long courses of therapy. Yes! Throughout history, there have been those who discovered what lies beyond this "undiscovered country." They are the great saints, sages, and masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Lao Tzu, and Saint Germain, who not only attained liberation, but who often remained on earth to help others. Count Saint Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rkczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count Saint Germain (fl. Later, he married Elizabeth, and they developed Summit Lighthouse into a world-wide organization that Elizabeth ended up transforming into the Church Universal and Triumphant. Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. Across the ages, a rarified collection of people loom larger than the time in which they existed. St. Germain and the Master Jesus are able to inspire people from a distance. Welcome toGermain Hotels. Job in Saint-Germain-de-Grantham - Quebec - Canada. Spiritual channeling was becoming the fad at that time after a long history of Spiritism in America. A reader could be overwhelmed with either of these perspectives and then to add to the issue is whether, as some claim, Sir Francis Bacon was Shakespeare and perhaps even Saint Germain. There are many who view Count Saint Germain as disappearing and reappearing throughout history, masterminding world events. He is looked to as the embodiment of the Age of Aquarius and the spiritual figurehead of the New Age movement. When Keith was in jail, he read Mark Prophets books and adopted much of that spiritual path. Saint Germain protects and loves America, and over the years has protected our liberties and freedoms. A wealthy benefactor interested in having a direct connection to St. Germain, Ellen had met Keith Rhinehart at one of his renowned sances where he famously would go into a closet, draw the curtain, and in the dark emit ectoplasm from his eyes, ears, and mouth (even with tape over them) that would form a shape of a master, or anyone the inquiring person was asking about. The Michael teachings. This is why Tyla and I went to the Arctic Circle within the ring of the aurora borealis on December 21, 2012. There are several "authoritative" biographers on St. Germain who usually do not agree with one another. Mysteries of Shambhala Reveal Etheric Christ, Mystery of the Two Jesus Children Revealed, The Great Avatar Manu Noah of Atlantis Father of Culture, St. Germain Explains Artificial Intelligence and the Internet. The Saint Germain Movement is a religious organization, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat. is said to be linked to several secret societies, from, , Saint Germain returned to France during Louis XIVs reign as a confidante of Marie Antoinette, who was acquainted with the Counts reputation as a mystic and prophet. "I AM" COME! and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals today. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others. . I turned to my friend to see his reaction and he was in a trance of some sort. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. In our time, both St. Germain and the Master Jesus are incarnated along with most of the masters who comprise the Mother Lodge. Messages from Michael is the first in a series of four books that chronicles a three-decade-long "conversation" between a group of friends surrounding Sarah Chambers (19371998) and a channeled, spiritual . 2 hours 52 minutes, $19.95, #DVG10009. There is much speculation historically about Saint Germain, and even more channeled and psychic speculation in our day about his current activities. Understand the times and the seasons. There is also a facility in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Denver, Colorado.. St. John/St. However, many believe that was the only the first of his many incarnations, including that of Ascended Master.. So she introduced me to Elizabeth. The first two volumes, Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, written by Guy Ballard as "Godfr Ray King", describe Saint Germain as an Ascended master, like Jesus, who is assisting humanity. Ellen wanted to see, feel, and touch the spiritual world, which is what we call in neoanthroposophy spiritual materialism.. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.[9]. With modern times looking apocalyptic every day, one naturally asks the question: Where are the ascended masters when we need them the most? Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal The cyphers of Francis Bacon are found in many works and consistently show his influence over the printed word in English history. When we met, Ellen was in her seventies. Permission for Them to be explained to students as given forth in these Discourses has been granted to us by these Great Ones. For a brief time, I offered my services to her organization. Plus, through a serendipitous circumstance, I had come into possession of a dozen or so core Rudolf Steiner books and lectures that had been abandoned by an unknown person on the reserved shelf of a local bookstore, seemingly waiting for me to happen to drop in. St. Germain, who is also known as Christian Rosencreutz, is the master and human guardian of the threshold at this time. His skills were praised by Louis XV, who provided him a laboratory and residence at the royal castle of Chambord. . Alice A. Bailey said that St. Germain is the "manager of the executive council of the Christ". His masonic ritual, The Most Holy Trinosophia is a jewel and can be a great help in fashioning a path of spiritual development. movement. The great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, who has played an essential role in the spiritual evolution of humanity for thousands of years, gave these teachings to us.Saint Germain was a key force in the founding of the United States of America as a sanctuary for freedom and equality. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. Through Ellens introduction, Elizabeth and I met numerous times and had tremendous discussions about the spirit. The ascended master Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray and sponsor of the United States of America. intense, transcendent Instruction concerning the I AM been given to St. Germain's incarnations as St. Alban, Proclus, Roger Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon are universally accepted. Buy the complete e-book for only 99 cents! Then, Keith would speak in the voice of the person his ectoplasm appeared to be. Dame Francis Yates gives a beautiful exposition of this matter in her important book, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra Job specializations: Quality Control. 126 Saint-Pierre Street, Quebec city. Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. Rudolf Steiner speaks extensively about Comenius, who is considered the father of modern education. In his youth, Keith was an amazing clairvoyant, and in the late sixtys he began to channel St. Germain, a practice that he did until his death in 1999. As chohan, or lord, of the seventh ray, Saint Germain initiates our souls in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame. Like when an important relationship ends or a loved one passes away. When I turned to my friend again, he seemed to be coming out of a dream or spell. Was Rudolf Steiner the Master Christian Rosenkreutz? Lotus Ray King (Edna Ballard's pen name), wife of Guy Ballard, talked about this book having been authored by the Ascended Master Saint Germain in the Round Table Talks of the "I AM" Religious Activity. The spiritual pursuit of other philosophies gave me discernment and balance in Ellens world of Spiritism and sances. You will have amazing results! St. John was called Lazarus before he was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. protect and free all individuals who make conscious effort to correct themselves All were geniuses who led us into the next phase of human development materialistic science devoid of spirit. Helena Blavatsky said that he was one of her Masters of Wisdom and hinted that he had given her secret documents. Each crystal had a story, and she loved telling me how much she paid for each and the circumstances that manifested it. Theyare the signal to all the Forces of Light, when you utter those Words, to come into action at your point in the Universe. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead-up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the "Hierarch of the Age of Pisces". It became vogue in theosophical circles to write stories about meeting the masters. She gave me films and recordings, and we watched amazing videos of Keith in his closet manifesting as St. Germain and the masters. This small yet highly charged book brings ancient teachings of the Far East into the I AM Teachings that were given by the ascended master Saint Germain to Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. But Elizabeth felt completely self-sufficient and needed no other clairvoyants to help her as she claimed the masters worked directly with her; although, I saw no evidence in this. Therefore, Saint Germain is the first and greatest Initiate of Christianity, raised from the dead into the light by Jesus Christ. You would know them by their words. See our. I doubted it, I sought that on which the universe rests. In the works authored by Alice A. Bailey, Saint Germain is called Master Rakczi or the Master R.[11] In the Ascended Master Teachings, the Master Rakoczi, otherwise known as the Great Divine Director, is regarded as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters. This book not only carries the Ascended Masters Understanding of the I AM, but is charged with Saint Germains Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart which is the Ascended Masters Feeling and Comprehension of Its full Power, forever Self-sustained. Catholic Charities celebrates the memory of St. Germaine, namesake of Germaine's Caf, by providing dignified employment opportunities to individuals living with IDDs. By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. How to Heal a Broken Heart in 17 Different Ways, Couples Meditation For A More Intimate Bond With Your Partner, Toxic Guru Relationships: Osho and the Rajneeshees, The Power of Intention: 10 Steps to Manifesting Your Reality, How to Connect With the Divine Energy Your Higher Self Holds, Napping Technique Allows You to Tap Into Creative Thought, Our Brains Don't Slow With Age As Much As We Think, Research Shows Gratitude Practices Lower Inflammation. In 1881, more than 100 years after Saint Germains reported death, Madame Blavatsky, [a]t long intervals have appeared in Europe certain men whose rare intellectual endowments, brilliant conversation, and mysterious modes of life have astounded and dazzled the public mind. After being arrested (and later released) in England in 1743 as a Jacobite spy, Count Saint Germain fled England and moved to France, establishing himself as a central figure in Louis XVs court, where he was appointed a diplomat. He was also known by other pseudonyms, including the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy, and Prince Rkczi, son of Francis II Rkczi of Transylvania. But Bacon is no spiritual master, let alone St. Germain, even though at certain points in his life he was inspired by St. Germain. When he predicted eventswith eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, only royalty will be left. Saint Germain replied, Not even royalty. Eventually Dee was snubbed and ejected from Rudolfs court. Once I met a person I believed to be a master in the sequoia forest at a theosophical lodge. Highways. Both Keith and Elizabeth continued to channel more and more and became even more flamboyant with their claims that they could become any master in a moment. He was one of the first spiritualists during modern times that claimed to directly communicate with St. Germain and the other masters. I asked him if my friend and I could go with the group that he was going to take on a hike. The former is a compilation of letters, diaries, and private records written about the Count by members of the French aristocracy who knew him in the 18th century. We often overlook the importance of the little, comforting things we can do to help nurture ourselves through hard times. They work through dreams, visions, and spiritual intuition. The Ascended Master Saint Germain says this is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have, and there is no freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application. But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. They believe in the Gnostic Christology espoused by Cerinthus (fl. Finally on 1 May 1684 he is believed to have attained (by his knowledge of alchemy) his physical Ascension (attaining immortality and eternal youth the sixth level of Initiation), at which time Francis Bacon adopted the name "Saint Germain". Not long after, I began to sense that Ellen wanted me to take over where she felt Keith and Clare were faltering. Hotel. Visualize a Crystal White Ray or Crystal Golden Ray of Light shooting like lightning from your Electronic Body into any organ of the physical body which is affected! I was stunned. Nothing came into print without Bacons permission and additions. Explore the Essential Instruction,in Unveiled Mysteries. Could St. Germain Have Been the Incarnation of Shakespeare, Francis Bacon and others? St. Germain can help each of us on our path to the spiritual world because he has climbed the path and found his way home. She studied everythingfrom Steiner to Blavatskyso we had much to discuss. How Do Avatars and Bodhisattvas Guide Us During Challenging Times? Finding St. Germain: Modern Sources Reveal Truth of Ancient Teachings, Conversation with Master Christian St. Germain: How Nibiru's Return Accelerated Schumann Wave. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. St. Germain is a Guiding Light for the Initiate to Follow. Those report visitations include theosophists such asAnnie Besant, C.W. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. According to the Saint Germain Foundation, an organization dedicated to the teachings and wisdom received by Ballard and headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, each book and discourse carries the definite radiation and consciousness of the Ascended Masters.. I went my separate way, feeling that her clairvoyance was not accurate and was based in atavistic methods of pseudo-clairvoyance that is not grounded and practical. So may I know the cosmic honor flame that is entwined with strands of gold and violet as elementals weave a garland of praise to the Knight Commander of my heart. The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who I had just asked someone in our group about the mystery man who people had spoken of with such reverence and then felt him as I turned around to see him standing close behind me. Prior to this clip, Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, Our particular subject this evening is Saint Germains teaching on alchemy. He was gone, and there was no place to hide as we were in a meadow with no trees except around the far edges. Guy Ballard, were no longer available to the general public. Since according to Theosophy, the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius". Ascended Master Saint Germain is one of the Great Beings from the Spiritual Hierarchy who govern this system of worlds. The creation of a possibly fictional character named ", This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 08:52. Bacon and Comenius had spiritual content at the core of their teachings and writings, but the outer manifestation of these became modern education and scientific materialism. Saint Germain and Portia deliver to the people of God the dispensation for the seventh age and the seventh raythe violet ray of freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and sacred rituala new lifewave, a new civilization, a new energy. But they all agreed that he was the wisest person they had ever spoken with and was so loving that they couldnt believe someone like him exists. There, at the main house, her collection of Keiths apported crystals and gems were breathtaking, and she knew it. Francis Bacon was fully aware of Dees library, as were all the royalty. I knew he had to be the person people had spoken of so reverently. The training and preparation for Him to do this at the present crisis of the outer This Maitreya is the same being known in Buddhism as the Bodhisattva Maitreya, who is in training to become the next Buddha on Earth. In the early 1930s, he contacted Guy Ballard whom he trained as a messenger and who, under the pen name of Godfr Ray King, released the foundation of Saint Germain's instruction for the New Age in the books Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The I AM Discourses. Like when an important relationship ends or a loved one passes away. Steiner points out that Comenius wrote the most popular book of his time, The World in Pictures, which led to thoughts being bound to images and things. Later, I saw his golden foot-prints on a path in the giant forest shinning like magic sunlight. Leadbeater, and Edgar Cayce. There is no wrong path in understanding St. Germain because he is one of the deepest and most mysterious humans to ever live, and a full expose on his life teachings include theosophy, history, speculative masonry, the Summit Lighthouse, the Aquarian Foundation, and many other paths that are rich in content from St. Germain. The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply Holy Brother.. Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. I AM a being of violet fire, Only fragments of the real understanding of the I AM Presence have been given Be Inspired. And, for those that read my writings, you know that my chosen path, after many years of study, was and is anthroposophy, or as we express it now-- neoanthroposophy. Ascended Masters have revealed. It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an entire orchestra. this time, and assistance from the Ascended Masters come forth in this way to Ranked as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, we are renowned for our attentive and personalized service and, the iconic style of our various hotels and restaurants. Dee went to Europe to make the arrangements for England and Europe to unite through the marriage that would spark a Reformation that would break away from the power of the Papacy. Elizabeth, in the end, didnt go into trance at all and yet claim to channel Jesus and Mary, St. Germain, and all the masters at a moments notice. She was self-made and very savvy. Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with this Activity. Theosophical books like, The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding told tales of physically encountering these masters and witnessing miraculous things. Compare. Known for his involvement in the occult, which was popular interest in 18th century France, Saint Germain was also believed to be an alchemical master, so much so he is known as the Violet Flame, referring to the highest frequency of spiritual energy. And like bodhisattvas, St. Germain vows to make sure that all other spirits are helped to enter heaven before he himself will enter again. His eyes were like sun-filled blue skies that were deeper than all space. Comenius was the archetypal Rosicrucian fallen into materialism. Technicien qualit. Saint Germain didnt live to see his prophecy come to fruition. After his final lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, the ascended master Saint Germain physically appeared throughout the courts of Europe as le Comte de Saint Germain. It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an entire orchestra. 2.5 hours, $29.95, #DVSETP09004. In 1957, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, a member of the I AM Activity, also reported a life-altering visitation from Saint Germain and believed him to be among the most prominent of the Ascended Masters. The most lasting myth surrounding Saint Germain is his status as an Ascended Master, with many who claim to have encountered him over hundreds of years. And least you dismiss this story as preposterous, Keith was tested many times under tremendous scrutiny for his ectoplasm feats and was not found to be a charlatan, at least for these manifestations. This is known to be true because Bacon was the Keeper of the Keys for the British kingdom for many years and as such was in charge of all printing in Britain. Not for thousands of years have the True Inner Instruction and Use of Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful. He formed secret societies and was a leading figure in the . [1][2][3] In the Ascended Master Teachings (but not in traditional Theosophy), the Master R, or the Master Rkczi, is a separate and distinct being from St. Germain. The Earth, as a whole, is now going through this process collectively. Rudolf Steiner spoke about the fact that Christian Rosencreutz actually calls those to himself whose destiny it is to work together. He says this, "my special interest has focused on America and the expansion of freedom for all. This pertinent question requires a good answer. Theosophy founder, Madame Blavatsky stated that Saint Germain was one of her Masters of Wisdom and that she was in possession of several secret documents written by him. It is called: I have known of the great whole, the principle and the end. Lisa is also an author marketing and platform building consultant. We do know that Rudolf Steiner said that Shakespeare was a real person who had insight into the multifaceted nature that a human personality can manifest. These rituals and small comforts are powerful healing facilitators; we only need the courage to turn to them and to trust that we are on the right path. Day: Saturday. She lived in a castle on her own island. She delighted when she pulled out jewelry boxes full of apported crystals from Keith Rhinehart that supposedly came popping out of his mouth in her presence. 2022 by Our Spirit. The spiritual goal of the teachings is that, through a process of self-purification, the believer may attain the perfected condition of the saints, or become an ascended master when leaving their body, contrasted to common concepts of 'ordinary death'. Well-traveled among the aristocracy, Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded great influence politically, which also caused him to be seen as a provocateur. Saint-Germain-de-Kamouraska is a municipality in the Canadian province of Quebec, located in the Kamouraska Regional County Municipality . Bacon had his hand in everything that was printed in the court. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Theosophists consider him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. Bacons permission and additions during modern times that claimed to directly communicate with St. Germain is the sponsor the... Quality Control 22 February 2023, at 08:52 the importance of the masters the ages, a Master! I witnessed both become St. Germain who usually do not agree with one another Bacons permission and additions in! Paid for each and the violet flame Chakra Job specializations: Quality Control formed... 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