Ill beam for weeks with compliments like that. Your attitude helps me feel calmer and less stressed whenever I have a problem." "I love how passionate you are. 2. Meaning, they shouldnt use the word on you again. 9 Ways To Be More Universally Empathetic, 13 Major Signs Youve Met The Right Person At The Wrong Time, 31 Ridiculous Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument, Make Some Happy Today With These 41 Bliss-Inducing Ideas, 17 Signs Hes Hurting After Your Break-Up, Does Your Guy Run Hot And Cold? 15. 12. 23. But I dont mind when its you. Now say it in a different language. Id love to hear from you in the comments right below. Youre like math. 76. If you dont, reply in a way that conveys your feelings too. 5. 12. A compliment you give in return to someone who made you laugh. 20. Another sign a man is into you can be found in the way he moves his body when he's around you. I love the way your mind works. Someone as socially awkward as I am. Surprises often bring joy or excitement, and for some people, even emotionally pleasant news can be cognitively intense. "You are a good man, and I am proud of you.". Special. Men give themselves away easily if you pay attention. However, your tone shouldnt be aggressive, just be transparent so he doesnt get the idea that he upset you. 3. Another possible reason for a shower of compliments early on is that you've met a man looking for a woman who will quickly fall for his flattery. Theres no one Id rather get lost with than you. . If you dont mind being flirted with and the person flirting with you, you can flirt right back. 21 Bare Minimum Expectations You Should Have In a Partnered Relationship, 30 Heart-Melting Soulmate Quotes To Inspire Love And Intimacy. Lasting Love is the result of a powerful strategy. You smell fantastic. Assuming hes an equal match for you intellectually, let him know you appreciate that fact. My plant was near death when I started talking to it about you. 11 Reasons Why And How To Handle It, People Cant Believe These 11 Exasperating Signs of Narcissist Love Bombing, Is It Possible For A Narcissist To Be Faithful? So you dont end up saying something awkward or inappropriate, check out these general tips on how to respond to compliments from a guy. Focus on one of the following: If you could only use one word to compliment the man in your life, the following steps can help you find the best words to use: Stick with what you know to be true about him. 100. It could also be a way to discourage a guy you dont fancy. 85. A cute way of saying it would suit you too". Shakespearean Ways to Respond to Unwanted Flirting Thanks so much. This one is silly, but it's also genuine and sweet. Now, now, dont make me fall in love with you. You have a knack for saying what I need to hear. You make me feel like I can do anything. I wrote a detailed log of my experience mastering the activation of the Heros Instinct, so Id urge you to read it now if youre unsatisfied with the way men treat you. As long as you wont scare off the guy, you can use this weird line. So compliment him by telling him what a great listener he is. 13. You have . I bet you get tired of people telling you that you have great taste. Hey, thanks. (This one only works when it wouldnt sound creepy coming from your mom or dad.). If you don't know the guy very well, the fact that he noticed your nails and took the time to compliment you shows that he . 11 Reasons Why And How To Handle It, People Cant Believe These 11 Exasperating Signs of Narcissist Love Bombing, Is It Possible For A Narcissist To Be Faithful? Never say nice things, never acknowledge his efforts. (Brief) unsmiling eye contact with no reply. Youll save a ton of money on home repairs! Tell other people that hes so funny. So, what does it mean when a guy compliments your appearance? Oh, stop. Learn what each emoji signifies and use them sparingly on a guy who is still trying to get to know you better. That means a lot coming from you. But in a long-term relationship and in marriage compliments can strengthen your bond. You think so? Receiving compliments isnt usually just a favor to you but also the person giving them. 43. 44. Come on, do you have to be so cheerful and sweet? Here are a few things to remember when you respond to compliments. There are some probable meanings to when a guy compliments your body in particular. It's not easy to be me. Im glad you take such good care of your teeth. 26. 78. Disclaimer: Results will vary, and you should not use this information as a substitute for help from a licensed professional. Whatever you want to do, Im up for it. Show him youve noticed and are impressed with what hes learned and how far hes come. I can picture your smile with this text. It helped transform me from a fun girl that men would pump and dump to a woman that men want to build a life with. 15. [Show the ring finger or point to your S.O.]. 10. Youre the best listener I know. (Stage . 16. You know thats not allowed. I know I can trust you to treat people with patience, respect, and fairness however they treat you. The best thing to do in this situation is to glow with a smile and say thank you. This looks like something you say to a man you respect and not just want to flatter in return. 22. If you dont want to say thank you or acknowledge the compliment, maintain a firm stance, and dont show signs of nervousness. (Known him four years but he works ALL THE TIME). Nice. Now that we've established what hot and cold behavior is, let's look at some potential reasons why most guys act this way. [Raise hand briefly in a Stop gesture], 83. 66. One excellent compliment for moving things toward a committed relationshipis to be open about how he makes you feel. And now, I have to sit down. 70. This can be your reply to a guy you think might not be able to afford your high-quality lifestyle. Life with you is never boring. If I have any questions, I know whom to ask. 96. 11. When you set your mind on something, you get it done. 50. 17. Dont ask me how often I think of you. Youre the smartest man I know. 71. The only thing I disagree with is that you can actually over compliment someone. Lucky me, I finally made the right wish. I dont mean you should say nice things that arent true (because this will backfire). So, lets now address how to react in these situations. Due to your advice, Ive gotten way better at giving compliments as well. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. 3. He may also be just trying to make you feel better about yourself. Do you have no idea how to respond when a man compliments you? 38. He thinks everything you say is interesting 7. 98. Respected. Oh, honey, no. In general, we tend to neglect non-appearance-based compliments. You are my favorite hug. 15. If youre looking for advice on how to turn a mans initial interest into lasting and loving relationships, Id recommend you check out my guide on activating a mans Heros Instinct. 6. You should be proud of what youve accomplished this year. 53. Who could ever tell, wonders still happen? Meaning he should be receiving the same words too. 7. A good dose of self-acknowledgment doesnt hurt. The man youre dating is more than just a pretty face, so make sure you balance those physical appearance compliments with some about his intelligence. Thanks, but Im more of a sapiosexual person. 17. "You have changed my life for the best.". Being able to show not only my passion for writing, but also my passion to help others in their relationships, means the absolute world to me and I hope to continue doing so. Sometimes a man is genuinely overcome by your beauty and will tell you you're beautiful, stunning, gorgeous or elegant without even thinking about it. Focusing on his personality doesnt mean you dont appreciate his other gifts. It may take some practice. Thats not to saynone of them are capable of hearing and remembering what you have to say! You said? 13. "I trust you - completely.". This is a good way to continue the discussion or explore the connection between both of you. 59. If your first thought when you look at a guy is Run! go with it. That's his . Tell him: Thank you for being such a great listener. Ugh! I dont think there is such a thing. Its a good thing youre not a perv. 19. 40. I thought I needed coffee to wake me up, but that did the trick. You have a good sense of humor too, I love that. Keep talking. This reply indicates the man doesnt pay you compliments often and youre shocked that he did. 11. You are my greatest comfort. 28. Did he call you instead of text you after a date (SCORE!)? Your arms are my favorite place to be, whether were resting or doing something else. Points, though, for saying just enough to get me curious. Here are a few ways to respond to a compliment: "Thank you, it makes my day to hear that.". I havent met a man who I could talk to about Russian oligarchy the way I can with you! It's more about friendship and love combined into something stronger than desire. So, look through this list of 115 compliments for men. 3. Its the same thing as saying thank you and really appreciate him for giving you such a compliment. Keep Your Reply Short And Straight To The Point If You Received The Compliment Via Text Or Chat, 101 Ways To Accept A Compliment From A Guy. 89. You smell good. But, I find that your advice works in all areas not just romantic relationships. "You're so brave" 3. 5. This is hilarious but it is either a sign that youre fooling around with him or you feel an attraction too. My eyes are getting tired. This compliment manages to be both sweet and also a little sexual, and any woman - or man - appreciates it when they feel like someone likes their body and finds them sexually appealing . He occasionally "forgets" to make eye contact with you 8. Even zombies would be like, Hes too pretty!. But waiting has been the hardest thing ever. Your mind is every bit as sexy as the rest of you. Thats hot!. Maintaining eye contact adds more substance to your response and you can also see how he responds to your reply. 4. The way to know for sure is to not only consider the words he said but his non-verbal mannerisms as he said it (e.g., body language). Id like to learn more about [something that interests him]. On the other hand, if the guy gives you a bad feeling, its probably best to reply with more firmness and less encouragementand zero ambiguity. 54. Teasing each other helps break the tension a little because instead of feeling awkward you can make. You dont use this with everyone, only with people you know mean what they say. We know we have to say something but often we pick the wrong way of saying it. This is the term commonly assigned to the part of the male brain associated with ongoing romantic desire. Thanks. 4. I told you men like to be seen as handy, didnt I? Agreeing with your compliment might make her feel vain. 15 Answers You Need To Know, I really admire the way you spoke to the waiter when he brought out the wrong order., You are the most hard-working man I know, and you still make time to visit your family., You always make people feel so comfortable when you speak to them., I love the way that shirt brings out your eyes., Those glasses frames are perfect for you. This shows your self-esteem and level of confidence in yourself is pretty high. Use this power for good. And there you go againmaking me wish you were here. Youre not being shallow by complimenting your mans physical appeal. 12. What do you think? No one can accuse you of having low self-esteem, can they? Especially if the person complimented you in the morning. Nice to know all the effort I put into this look is paying off. Good thing I remembered to take my meds today. 7. 62. The sight of you makes everything better. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! Thank you, but I think I just got lucky. Whatever youre doing to look this good, keep it up. Therefore, the next time youre unsure about how to accept or respond to a compliment from someone, based on how you feel, make sure you pick from the following responses: Of course, this is a rhetorical question admitting in a humorous way that you agree with the compliment he gave you. Even if youve only been dating this man a few weeks, learning how to compliment a guy now will build a solid foundation if it does turn out to have long-term potential. 66. Never lose the smirk. 1. How are you like strong coffee and soothing tea at the same time? 10. 1. 21. You always try to see the best in people, including me. Your smiles and hugs are better than the strongest coffee. 1. Youre flirting with him to show him that you dont mind his compliments at all. Its a gift you should use more often. 35. You help me feel calm when everything turns to chaos. So, here's what you should do. But Id rather be close enough to hold your hand. I trust you, more than anyone else, to be there for me and have my back. Hey, its all mine, no additives whatsoever. With you, I get the best of both. 10. You just keep going. It may or may not make him feel bad. You could say, "Your shoulders look so strong today," or "Wow. 6. Keep going and keep trying. The world is not ready for the kind of chemistry we have. Decision making compliments 6. 6. Id tell you my secret, but then Id have to kill you! Pointing his feet at you (people often point their feet at people that they are attracted to) Adjusting his appearance when he sees you Asking you the most questions when in a group with you Touching you a lot Looking in your direction a lot and smiling or quickly looking away when you notice Holding prolonged eye contact with you Dont compliment him to get something out of him. And it is better with you. If youre trying to tell me what I want to hear keep talking. 10. So you don't end up saying something awkward or inappropriate, check out these general tips on how to respond to compliments from a guy. 75. He's doing it because he wants to invite you into his world. I guarantee whatever he did that led you to compliment him, hell be repeating very soon! You inspire me to take more risks. These are the real compliments I'd much rather get from the guy I'm dating and why they mean so much more to me. You listen to understand not to win an argument. How are you so good at that? One or two will do! 21. He sees you as a challenge. Oh please, you are being far too kind. 25. His eyebrows raise up when he sees you. Oh, you wouldnt be the first to think so. When a guy sends pictures of his day, be happy about it because it's a sign that he's really into you. 42. 22. Relationship advice for women that is researched-backed and data driven and actually works. 21. I love watching you work. Laugh at his jokes. It might not be immediately visible . Compliment him by showing him that you trust him Trust is important to everyone. 67. Dont drop your jaw on the floor, please. Obviously, youre attracted to the man youre dating, so it shouldnt be a hardship to tell him he looks nice on your date, or that his body is bangin. But I like the way you say it. I needed to hear that (especially from you). 88. (This one isnt about looks, but it does go to physical appeal.). You have a way of getting right to the point. You do compliments better than anyone I know. I like you more than Star Wars geeks like to trash-talk the prequel trilogy. Thank you for not letting me brood in peace. Physical appearance 4. Ooh, youre good at this. If this were Neverland, all Id have to do to fly is think of you. Did someone tell you what to say, or are you just that good? But, seriously, keep going. Its obvious you dont look bad but you say this because you want to downplay his words and make him smile. 69. Now that youve read through all 99 responses to compliments from a guy, which ones stood out for you? I would say that basically anything that a guy says about your body or personality that doesn't sound like it was meant as an insult or worry should be taken as a compliment. So compliment him by telling him what a great listener he is. 3. Having a good time with you is effortless. True. React Makeup is one of the best physical enhancers that can fetch you nice compliments and this is a simple way to respond to such. You can do anything you put your mind to. Shut the front door! Adding fun and sarcasm to your response would probably get the conversation going. I want it to smell like you. #11: The "You're a Great Partner" Compliment Like I said: the longer you're with a man, the harder it can be to remember to compliment him. You dont want to come off as self-absorbed, except thats your intention. Youre as proud of my gifts as I am of yours. This response is most suitable for a guy you dont want to encourage. This is almost like saying, I wasnt always like this. Get out of my head! You combine intelligence and drive with a strong work ethic. 16. 16. Are you sure youre not seeing me from a mirror? Complimenting men and self-esteem Male compliments revealed 1. 8. I love spending mornings with you. I love that, keep the compliments rolling in. He text me at 6 am and i said, Stay cool, (its hot out). And on and on and on. When you notice he looks good, say so. 9. What do you say when a guy compliments your body? I get why you might think Im lonely, but Im not. 5. 8. One look at you, and my mind is flooded with inappropriate thoughts. It means a lot to hear that from you. Hopefully, he deserves it. 4. Hahaha, I wouldnt trade me for the next girl. 4. I like the clothes you wear. Our kids know youd break the world to be there for them. 52. Man, thats the only thing I have going for me. Its still shocking for some people to hear anyone give this reply but its refreshing too. 89. And hopefully, you really do. Youre the only one who knows how rough it can be to look this good. It turns out that learning how to compliment a guy is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal of charm. To respond to a flirty compliment, you can say: " Thanks so much- I picked this outfit just for you." "I think you're really attractive too." "Thanks so much- I love how (insert another personality trait) you are too." See also How can I be less wasteful? 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