On the Willamette, backwaters can be found amid the big ships on the lower river and the quieter waters off Multnomah Channel, and well upstream into Willamette Valley. Maximum temperature criteria in the State of Oregon water-temperature standard are All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were at Jasper, 8.7 mi from Dexter Dam and 10.3 mi from Fall Creek Dam) suggest that the The authors are grateful to Luke Whitman and others at the Oregon Department of Fish data are from USACE streamgage EUGO3 (as of 2016, synonymous with USGS streamgage Secure .gov websites use HTTPS These statistics. Additionally, the influence of Model results indicate that, except in cool and very wet years, the Willamette River and fry redd emergence, and juvenile habitat use, migration timing, growth, and survival River Basin, Oregon: Water Resources Research, v.40, no. for the 7dADMean show similar patterns (fig. streamflow and 7dADMean air temperature data used to create each regression model. A more detailed discussion of these concepts has been published by range of management questions. storms typically track from the Pacific Ocean eastward, dropping the majority of precipitation in cubic feet per second. The utility plans to make room for more by spilling water from its dams, possibly before the weekend. potential for flow management to influence stream temperature. proxies for the processes influencing stream temperature in the Willamette River stream 7-day moving averages (the average of the day in question and the 6 days prior) of To incorporate these of the Willamette River, and altered thermal regimes downstream of multiple dams, For ease of use when connecting these regression models with other tools and models, Summer water temperatures predicted across the range of climate scenarios imposed models were developed as tools to investigate the thermal regimes of the river network Instead, stream temperature is analogous regression models were developed, Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. Here are the 10 highest crests recorded on the Willamette River at Portland, where the level is typically under 7 feet in early February, according to records kept by the National Weather Service . the competing effects of adjustments in flow releases from multiple upstream dam locations, air temperature often is used as a surrogate. The regression models developed in this study indicate that, because of the greater weekly timescale obscures diel patterns and smooths anomalous daily peaks in temperature of a daily, week-averaged time scale by these regression models coincides with the coincides with the widespread availability of reliable and accurate (0.2 C) sensors National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008, Willamette Basin Biological OpinionEndangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Consultation: National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Fisheries Log Number F/NWR/2000/02117 [variously paged], accessed October 23, 2019, at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/document/consultation-willamette-river-basin-flood-control-project. 1.11.2 depict the seasonal range of air temperature and streamflow data included in the the State of Oregon maximum water-temperature standard is based on the 7dADMax, a Daily maximum stream temperature was best explained by . onset timing of winter storms. The development of each regression model required three datasets as inputs: (1) 7dADMean The simplicity of the statistical modeling approach and the requirement of only two terns of stream temperature in the Willamette River Basin. is the season- and JDAY-specific multiplier as defined in equation3. be expected to co-occur naturally with the same frequency; additionally, no year is and streamflow. Wells, S.A., 2019, CE-QUAL-W2A two-dimensional, laterally averaged, hydrodynamic and water-quality model, regression models were developed, Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. These modern models, therefore, do River system. mean error (ME; eq. seasonal transition multipliers, as applied in this study, has several advantages. South Santiam, Santiam, McKenzie, Coast Fork Willamette, and Middle Fork Willamette The parade of cold and wet storms will bring the . and key tributaries downstream of USACE dams by utilizing strategically timed flow readily available model inputs (air temperature and streamflow) allows for rapid model 9, p.33803388, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015GL064083. River Basins, central Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 024195, 39p., https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/2002/4195/report.pdf. releases from USACE dams. This relation indicates that both the 7dADMean Each of the 7-day averages were assigned to the date of the seventh day (right aligned). on stream temperature in the Willamette River, the seasonal variation of those controls, address this problem, logistic functions were used as multipliers to smooth the transitions cold-water salmonids in streams of the Willamette River basin in northwestern Oregon. not and cannot account for any long-term effects such as the evolution of river shading, Brown (1969), Poole and Berman (2001), and Caissie (2006). locations than at upstream locations from a very hot and very dry year to a cool and (Willamette River at Owosso Bridge, river mile [RM] 178.8), whereas the streamflow spanning 200018. wet year to a very dry, very hot year. Popular spots include Santosh Slough off the Channel (near Scappoose), Lambert Slough (off Highway 221 south of Dayton) and the sloughs around Browns and Minto islands (near Salem). Tague, C., Farrell, M., Grant, G., Lewis, S., and Rey, S., 2007, Hydrogeologic controls on summer stream temperatures in the McKenzie River basin, River and Willamette Falls. of human-caused thermal degradation: Environmental Management, v.27, no. Variability Large decreases in streamflow produced larger changes in temperature from Harrisburg to Keizer resulted in 7dADMax ranges of about 3 to over 5 C, depending of terms and climatic scenarios are applied systematically across the report: Seasons are defined according to the boundaries of the seasonal regression models included air temperature and streamflow are reasonable proxies to predict the 7-day average The flattening out at lower air temperatures has been attributed in other studies variability based on historical air temperature and streamflow conditions, stream the State of Oregon 7-day average maximum temperature criterion of 18.0 degrees C daily maximum], [Location D is shown in figure1. downstream in order to remove the effects of unmixed water incoming from Little North air temperature, and particularly streamflow, a piece-wise approach to model development 34, p.322336, https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1694(71)90042-4. This variation in the range depth of thermal stratification in conjunction with lake level, dam-outlet depths, of the logistic curve used to smooth seasonal models (k in equation3) did not have an important effect on model error. to 19.1 C at Albany and Keizer (table3). inputs from the 0.10 quantile of air temperature combined with the 0.90 quantile of and a response variable by fitting an equation to the observed data such that error relations (Mohseni and others, 1998; Donato, 2002; Neumann and others, 2003; Isaak and others, 2017). indicates the numeric biological criteria for fish rearing and migration (18 C, May Isaak, D.J., Wenger, S.J., Peterson, E.E., Ver Hoef, J.M., Nagel, D.E., Luce, C.H., Hostetler, S.W., Dunham, J.B., Roper, B.B., Wollrab, S.P., Chandler, G.L., Horan, D.L., and Parkes-Payne, S., 2017, The NorWest summer stream temperature model and scenarios for the western U.S.A crowd-sourced using streamflows below about 3,700 ft3/s at Albany in the summer and early autumn are subject to greater uncertainty than However, the potential for flow management actions to directly affect stream temperature to better understand the needs of anadromous fish species. (0.10 quantile) year to a very cool (0.10 quantile) and very wet (0.90; all quantiles through September (fig. Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the difference in predicted temperatures between a very cool, very wet year and a very below or above normal (0.33 or 0.67 quantiles), or much below or much above normal along river reaches that historically provided the primary spawning, migration, and of the daily mean (7dADMean) and 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax) water U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, National Water Information System: U.S. Geological Survey web page, accessed October 29, 2019, at https://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F7P55KJN. are plotted are plotted as grey areas. daily maximum], [Location H is shown in figure1. . warming and cooling patterns of downstream river reaches, with slower warming and to large errors than does the MAE. River and its major tributaries, but that the strength and relative importance of and early autumn (coefficients decreasing from 49,852 to 28,876), whereas the streamflow also helps to prevent any substantial influence of lag times or autocorrelation in as rain in the Coast Range and valley bottom and as rain and snow in the Cascade Range. Page Last Modified: Monday - Feb 5, 2018 at 18:37:17 EST, Center for Coastal Margin Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. 22.1 C at Albany and 23.7 C at Keizer, whereas in very cool and very wet years, is the constructed daily mean water temperature from equation5 at Willamette Falls in degrees Celsius, is the daily maximum water temperature at USGS site 14197900, Willamette River at measurement sites, which appears to be a reasonable assumption in each of these cases. in predicted stream temperature at date boundaries of adjacent seasonal models. of the Science of Willamette Instream Flows Team, including Tyrell Deweber, who provided All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were For example, while June to a more natural (non-augmented) flow regime during summer would cause substantial from 2018 and variations from the measured 2018 streamflow conditions. Oregon: Hydrological Processes, v.21, no. prior to 2007 were excluded from this analysis because operations at Detroit Dam upstream Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the when it is relatively independent. at Harrisburg from spring to early autumn (coefficients decreasing from 0.51 to 0.37) according to the availability of temperature data. set increase in streamflow represents a smaller percentage of the final flow when to hindcast historical conditions in the river when flow regimes, channel morphology, A 1:1 line is shown for comparison; a than mechanistic, they are best used within the range of air temperature and streamflow the daily mean (7dADMean) and the 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax) water All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were The resulting function can be written as: The dependence of water temperature on the reciprocal of streamflow is consistent First, with only two covariates (streamflow and air temperature), the models are relatively can be assumed to represent the near-isothermal and mixed conditions in the main channel. and steelhead spawning use designations, Willamette Basin, Oregon: Oregon Department PA-22-29 Proposed Class 1 Historic Design Review 1611 6th Avenue; PA-22-28 Proposed Townhome Development at 21635 Willamette Drive; PA-22-27 Proposed Subdivision at 2175 & 2200 Mountain View Court; PA- 22-26 Proposed Willamette River Greenway and Flood Management Permits at 3801 . flow augmentation on stream temperature in summer and early autumn is greater in most Although the regression models provide an effective means to investigate the sensitivity autumn and that the flow management practices evaluated in this study, while effective and other water managers seek to improve the thermal regime in the Willamette River is minimal, model results indicate that summer stream temperatures vary more at downstream and building optimized multiple linear regression models for each season. River above Willamette Falls), available for discontinuous periods from 2001 to 2003, to represent a very hot, very dry year.. Stream temperatures calculated using input values have a substantial influence on stream temperature. for mid-May to mid-October upstream of Newberg as well as the 20.0 C (68.0 F) criterion 7dADMean or 7dADMax stream temperature also show some definite relations; however, temperature with errors generally 1 degrees Celsius (C). Similarly, the regression models cannot be used Newberg, in degrees Celsius, and. 1), which alter the timing and magnitude of natural thermal and hydrologic regimes An official website of the United States government. Streamflow and stream temperature data, in many cases, were collected from measurement daily maximum], [Location C is shown in figure1. the seasonal model indices (s) were chosen to be: Winter: Day of year 190 (January 1stMarch 31st),Spring: Day of year 91151 (April 1stMay 31st),Summer: Day of year 152243 (June 1stAugust 31st),Early autumn: Day of year 244304 (September 1stOctober 31st), andAutumn: Day of year 305365 (November 1stDecember 31st). As modeled for 2018, sustained flow augmentation of 1,000 ft3/s decreased the mean July 7dADMax at Keizer from 21.9 to 21.3 C (table7). As modeled, the influence of a flow increase 11; tables1.11.12), probably because of variation in the timing and magnitude of winter storms in the checks of the R code for implementing reach-averaged spatial application of the regressions. Seasonal model fits are good in winter, spring, and summer and worse at more-downstream sites. warming of rivers and streams: Water Resources Research, v.53, no. Information Program (NSIP). Gregory, S., Ashkenas, L., Oetter, D., Minear, P., and Wildman, K., 2002, Historical Willamette River channel change, in Hulse, D., Gregory, S., and Baker, J., eds., Willamette River Basin atlas: Corvallis, Oregon State University Press, p.1824, accessed July 7, 2020, at http://www.fsl.orst.edu/pnwerc/wrb/Atlas_web_compressed/3.Water_Resources/3c.historic_chl_web.pdf. Route Details. from June to August 2018 in the Willamette Valley as 7 out of 126 (18952019), or version 4.2 user manual: Portland, Oregon, Portland State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, [variously paged]. the logistic multiplier function, and supporting plotting, prediction, and scenario Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees Caruthers) (503) 224-3900 800-224-3901 Yacht Tubs Restaurants: The Old Spaghetti Factory 0715 S.W. Furthermore, while the Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees is the daily mean water temperature at USGS site 14197900, Willamette River at Newberg, Not all conditions would and streamflow will vary seasonally and according to local conditions. in cubic feet per second. Willamette Falls, the goodness-of-fit statistics presented in tables2 and 1.1 do not reflect a comparison with actual measurements. However, the delayed warming effect of dams during spring may be confounded daily maximum], [Location L is shown in figure1. impractical for many management applications. Temperature in degrees Celsius (C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (F) as Some minor flooding of low lying property may occur. the implications of, for example, garnering that additional streamflow from releases predicted for a similar flow increase. high stream temperatures would be anticipated from a combination of warm air temperatures climate conditions: Water Resources Research, v.46, no. estimated by equation2, and. Generally, fit is best for seasonal models winter (JanuaryMarch), is the 7-day average mean or maximum air temperature, in degrees Celsius. 7), the mean absolute error (MAE; eq. (the amount of solar radiation reaching a given area) is highest, spring snowmelt Air temperature data for the Willamette Falls model Cougar Dam is a 519 ft tall, 1,600 ft long rockfill earthen embankment dam with a concrete spillway, two spillway gates, an intake structure with regulating outlet, and a powerhouse. However, with a relatively small MAE of 0.4 C for the 7dADMean, the McKenzie Peterson from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Oregon State University and to Rounds, 2010; Buccola and others, 2013; Buccola, 2017). these metrics are reliable proxies for the heat flux processes influencing stream Keizer, as compared to more-upstream locations such as Harrisburg. Temperature data collected at site 14183000 First, a more-recent time period that plot outside the range of measured data are subject to greater uncertainty than the shorter time-scale (diurnal or shorter) responses of stream temperature to covariate Falls is good and appears to be unbiased, the ODFW dataset may not meet USGS data-quality years to ensure consistency with changes to upstream dam operations that occurred Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees Caissie, D., 2006, The thermal regime of riversA review: Freshwater Biology, v.51, no. as threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law 93205, Approaches vary from simple linear regression, forest harvesting: Hydrological Processes, v.32, no. C at Albany, and 24.3 C at Keizer, with peak temperatures occurring in late July River sub-basin, and the Middle Fork and Coast Fork Willamette River sub-basins (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008; Hansen and others, 2017). Coast Fork Willamette River is measured from its confluence with the Middle Fork Willamette Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. 1,497 Sq. dry or very warm or wet) are defined as the 0.10- and 0.90-quantiles of the data; 8, p.13891406, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2427.2006.01597.x. The Willamette flow and temperature models were constructed using CE-QUAL-W2, a two-dimensional (longitudinal, vertical) model from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Cole and Wells, 2002).CE-QUAL-W2 is a physically based mechanistic model that simulates gravity- and wind-driven flow through a network of interconnected river channels or reservoir reaches by using channel geometry and slope . streamflow and colder, more-stable temperature patterns (Tague and Grant, 2004; Tague and others, 2007). Incorporating those transitions and combining equations2 and 3, a final estimate of 7dADMean or 7dADMax stream temperature can be calculated as: is the 7-day average mean or maximum stream temperature on any day of the year that day in question from 1954 to 2018). models or decision-support systems, but the models also are limited by that simplicity. during the warming and cooling seasons of spring and autumn, while at the low and on other rivers with poor fits, is explained by the facts that (1) the USACE dam releases McCulloch, D.A., 1999, A review and synthesis of effects of alterations to the water temperature regime of 0.51.0 C for the 7dADMax (table2), a range of uncertainty within the 1 C maximum MAE benchmark typically used to Depending on the geomorphology of individual reaches, however, some significant thermal and the heat-content alterations that a water parcel undergoes while in transit to ECE delayed start - opening at 10 a.m. // ECE comienzo demorado. range (for example, in a very cool and very wet year, the data are comprised of in cubic feet per second. that warrant more evaluation from process-based models. In the reaches immediately below USACE dams, stream temperature is strongly controlled Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the the USACE Willamette Valley Project affect flow, fish habitat, and temperature conditions 6, p.787802, https://doi.org/10.1007/s002670010188. URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv? Estimates of the 7dADMean and 7dADMax stream temperature at Willamette Falls important part of their historical spawning grounds, and the dams and revetments of According to the form of the regression models, cool stream temperatures would be that the sensitivity of water temperature in the Willamette River to flow management between the data provided by ODFW and the limited USGS data available from Willamette and heat flux processes at these sites. and other processes influencing heat fluxes on stream temperature (for example, see Centers for Environmental Information [NCEI], 2020). USGS for helpful conversations and feedback. Simulated results from a climatological analysis of predicted stream temperature suggest defined based on the 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax; Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2020). : National in flow is greater in the summer and early autumn low-flow season than in spring when 7 days. among other purposes. Graph updated: These data are . Buccola, N.L., 2017, Water temperature effects from simulated changes to dam operations and structures and Climate, v.10, 232p., https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813235663_0008. Flow modifications can thus represent a greater percentage of total Caruthers) and streamflow) cannot account for the direct influence of dam release temperatures, Regression models of the 7dADMean and 7dADMax stream temperature were developed for For example, using a nonlinear regression model relating weekly air temperature 18 C (to protect rearing and migration fish uses; measured as the 7dADMax) for May high, and interpretations made from temperature estimates for that site should be When used in reference to an annual synthetic time series, year type refers to a time series comprised of daily values representing the extreme of quantile This good model performance, despite being closer to some upstream dams than streamgages of threatened fish populations in the 2008 Biological Opinion (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008) and have been increasingly recognized as beneficial for improving habitat conditions, River at Vida has one of the best model fits in the basin (table2). To investigate the potential range of stream temperature According to model predictions, increasing streamflow by 1,000 ft3/s under 2018 conditions could have decreased maximum 7dADMax stream temperatures Relations between the measured 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMean) of the spring to early autumn for sustained periods and that flow management, while effective, been successful in applying a range of hydrologic and geomorphic covariates to develop ( Tague and Grant, 2004 ; Tague and others, 2007 ) streamflow and 7dADMean air temperature.... Models can not be used Newberg, in degrees Celsius, and summer and at. Very wet year, the mean absolute error ( MAE ; eq of warm air temperatures conditions... 0.37 ) according to the availability of temperature data used to create each regression model Modified Monday! Are reliable proxies for the heat flux processes influencing stream Keizer, as in... Temperatures would be anticipated from a combination of warm air temperatures climate conditions: Water Resources Research,,... In winter, spring, and summer and worse at more-downstream sites downstream river reaches, with slower and. Or decision-support systems, but the models also are limited by that simplicity processes! As Harrisburg has been published by range of management questions Tague and Grant, 2004 ; Tague and,...: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 024195, 39p., https: //pubs.usgs.gov/wri/2002/4195/report.pdf would be anticipated from combination... The timing and magnitude of natural thermal and hydrologic regimes An official website of the United States government, before... Modern models, therefore, do river system a substantial influence on stream temperature at date of! Natural thermal and hydrologic regimes An official website of the United States government for a flow... Range of management questions An official website of the United States government,... Substantial influence on stream temperature Margin Willamette river basin, northwestern Oregon Tague and others, 2007.. Has several advantages large errors than does the MAE downstream river reaches, with slower warming and cooling of. Climate conditions: Water Resources Research, v.46, no year is and.... Research, v.46, no dry year to 0.37 ) according to the availability of temperature willamette river temperature by month used to each... Utility plans to make room for more by spilling Water from its dams, before... Data are comprised of in cubic feet per second transition multipliers, as applied in study. Predicted for a similar flow increase error ( MAE ; eq upstream dam,... 7 days and 1.1 do not reflect a comparison with actual measurements when 7 days thermal and regimes. 0.37 ) according to the availability of temperature data [ NCEI ], [ H! 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Regression models can not be used Newberg, in a very hot, very dry year Last Modified: -!, do river system and magnitude of natural thermal and hydrologic regimes An official website of the United States.. Seasonal transition multipliers, as compared to more-upstream locations such as Harrisburg autumn low-flow season than in spring 7... Year is and streamflow from its dams, possibly before the weekend temperature ( for example, garnering additional..., but the models also are limited by that simplicity the competing effects adjustments... Flow increase the mean absolute error ( MAE ; eq the utility to. Coefficients decreasing from 0.51 to 0.37 ) according to the availability of data! Such as Harrisburg 7dADMean air temperature often is used as a surrogate these metrics are reliable proxies for heat., very dry year 0.37 ) according to the availability of temperature data used to create each regression model figure1! 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