Use it in a sentence: Do ye want some scran? Erm, giz a deek no thanks.. Chowdah Again guilty of saying this but yes its true some of us say chowder clam chowder that is like Chowdah. I'm very excited to finally be getting a Geordie accent, so I can sound more like my family and friends. You can visit. Its Donna but in Boston shes called Donner The name I hate the most when its pronounced with a Boston accent is Mahk Mark. Use: When youre trying to get the whole squad together for Hoppings Festival. But hey, however you pronounce it, at least you're not calling it a car park! A woz oot wiv wor lass last neet Do you have plans tonight? Does the last syllable in "handkerchief" have the same sound as "seek" or "sit"? There is not one, not two, not three, butfour different ways to pronounce "et cetera." Youll be talking like a local in not time. This means that many Geordie words are surprisingly similar to modern Danish; for example, the word bairn is commonly used to affectionately refer to a child in Geordie, and looks and sounds just like the Danish word for child, barn. In Geordie English, the word "champion" becomes an adjective rather than a noun, meaning "great" or "excellent". Learn about the history of the accent and how to speak a little of it yourself. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. It means your car is awesome. ", Non Geordie translation: take your time, be patient (literally "hold your patience, old fellow"), Usage: "How man, had ya pash, divvin' be a workyticket.". 20 Hilarious Things Only British People Say. Newcastle city council has told its staff to think carefully before they use certain Geordie terms of endearment. Be careful how you pronounce the name of this state in front of a native Nevadan. You'll probably not want to try practicing your Geordie with strangers, as they may think you're making fun of them. It depends who youre asking and where you are in the British Isles. ", As if the debate on what to call a giant sandwich wasn't enough (is it a sub, a hero, or a hoagie? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Used to putproper workytickets back in their place. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. 20. For example, the greeting: 'Areet marra. Someone's twocked them.". All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. . ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Positive: Howay woman! As a Geordie born and bred in Gateshead I feel I should just complicate matters slightly by mentioning the fact that Geordie men and women pronounce some words differently. It also has lots of unique sounds, like an a sound at the end of -er words: water is pronounced wata and better, betta. It's present in words such as up, above, strut, supper, and funny. If youre not familiar with the dialect keep reading. Read more: The newest ChronicleLive ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try our 20 questions. Giz a bag o' crisps.". Here are some more Geordie dialect words to wrap your tongue around before you make a trip to Newcastle: Canny: good or nice Gan: go Aye: yes Wey aye: Yes (strong yes!) Non Geordie translation: sparrow, but also refers to the role played by red-haired actress Lynydann Barrass in Byker Grove. Newcastle is known byitsinhabitants as the toon. } What is a Geordie accent and how can you learn to understand it? Bunker Hill - Where the historic Battle of Bunker Hill in the America Revolution was to take place. places around rann of kutch words that sound funny in a geordie accent All Rights Reserved. Report as inappropriate 1182008 kelli r. And please the e is silent. Howay! can be taken to mean Come on! in both positive and negative associations. Eventually you will be able to say each tongue twister clearly and precisely at speed. Example: Am clamming I need a stotty (heads up a stotty is a type of round, flat bread!). The fact that a simpleword likepotato can be said in such a different way by people of the same country. 3:42. No, but I can pass the "sirr-up." Let's listen: Video unavailable Funny. 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Use: When its time to go home after a fab night out in the Toon. The iconic site just announced a big change that could affect your upcoming visit. ", Usage: "Get up the dancers, man, it's time for bed. Loretta Swit begged the writers to stop using it. 2. Let's hear it. Example: Alrite lass what ye uptee the neet?. But othersparticularly those in the Boston areapronounce the word so that it rhymes with "daunt," paying homage to the colonies' former motherland. Negative: "Howay man! Wey aye, Geordie, thats champion, that! Come again? May also be used to fill a gap in a conversation when thinking about what to say next. Gan, or go in standard English, also originates from this, and is comparable to the Northern German pronunciation of the verb gehen (to go). The Harvard Dialect Survey found that the majority of people from these regions pronounced these words in the same way. Translation:Come on! ", Somehow, even three-letter words with one syllable have managed to take on several pronunciations. 3. Translation: "Come on!". Lexical set (key word): broad Geordie NURSE Spelling alternatives serve, bird, hurt, learn, work, journey, note also colonel and myrtle IPA symbol /:/ Sound file and the first pint didn't touch the sides, you know, because you were thirsty Lexical set (key word): PALM Spelling alternatives rather, half IPA symbol /:/ Sound file Howwaymeanscome on. ", Non Geordie translation: generic proclamation of positivity or agreement. However, the phrase has since evolved among those who remember the now obsolete crisps to indicate any experience which is generally pleasant or enjoyable, regardless of whether it relates to a potato-based snack. In the North, you might say: 'You get what you get, so don't be upset.' Normally means when someone is in a mood and acting irritable (usually the Mrs). The fox that can't be shot. It has been updated. The UK has some of the highest levels of accent diversity in the English-speaking world. Usage: anytime you want to agree with someone without resorting to a boring "yes". Geordie consonant sounds Although most British accents share the same 24 consonants, there is some variation from place to place. Geordie isn't considered funny the way Yorkshire is, but rather guttural. One of the nicest Geordie compliments or expressions of approval. Use it in a sentence:Hee that fellas gannin proper radgie, like., A post shared by Aminder Mann (@aminderkm) on Mar 1, 2017 at 3:50am PST. The Short Vowel // in the Geordie Accent. As the region is named after the Caribs (pronounced kar-ib), the technically accurate pronunciation of the word "Caribbean" is "Kar-i-bee-in." This sweet treat's pronunciation is rather controversial. I love the word pissah Report as inappropriate 1182008. Translation: Calm down, Ill make a cup of tea. "The wordget does not rhyme withyet here in the South," writesSarah Johnson, a South Carolina native and Southern accent specialist. } Nippy. In the Harvard Dialect Survey, researchers found that people from coast to coast pronounced the word "reely," "rilly," and "ree-l-y. A woman or a youngster is likely to be addressed in Newcastle as pet, a common term of endearment used even among strangers. The 'u' in words like 'hut' is often lengthened to become 'oo' as in 'took'. Whether you pronounce the word "pecan" as "pee-can" or "puh-kahn" is more complicated than you think. Never ever am I talking about Philly. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. A common trait is words ending in im, en, or em sounding more like in (Ben would sound more like Bin). As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Speaking with a Geordie accent can be a fun way to impress your friends and mix up your repertoire of accents. 3. The o in the middle takes on the aw sound to become caw-fee Dog The word dog has the same thing going on as coffee and sounds like dawg Its really hard to describe this sound unless you hear it out loud first. Non Geordie translation: steal, take without owner's consent, Usage: "I cannit hoy ya tweezas, pet. Bumfuzzle You might hear your grandparents use this funny word that refers to being confused or perplexed. But, paradoxically, British people love the Geordie accent and its regularly voted one of the UKs friendliest and most trustworthy accents. Most of these people were from Midwestern states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. There's also "gan canny, man", a generic farewell term implying take care or take it easy. Most people pronounce the first syllable in the word "envelope" like "pen"but if you ask around enough, you will find that some pronounce the first syllable like "on." WHEN I AM NOT BROWSING THE EXPLORE FEED ON INSTAGRAM (MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM) I ENJOY TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS, BAKING AND ONLINE SHOPPING. In parts of the Northeast, it's pronounced "asteri[ks]"; up and down the Northern coast, it's pronounced "asteri[k]"; and in the rest of the country, it's simply "asteri[sk]. ", Non-Geordie translation: to throw and bounce an object off something. This phrase can also be used in different ways, such as to fettle someone which means to sort them out. The word Geordie is generally used to describe the accent that people from the Tyneside area (North East England) speak with. ", Usage: "The bairn's ganna bubble if there's nee pop left. Find us on the British Newspaper Archive here. The newest ChronicleLive ultimate Geordie heritage quiz - try our 20 questions, Check out our North East periodic table - a celebration of life in the region, Remember these? Let us know in the comments at the bottom. Read on to learn more about 60 words that are pronounced differently across the U.S. What's your favourite Geordie phrase? This mostly refers to the second syllable in the word, mainly how the 'a' sounds. Example: What ye uptee tomorra?, I divvina, pet., Use: When someone asks you what Monkeys Blood is (youll find out if you head to Tynemouth in the summer!). howay or haway is broadly comparable to the invocation "Come on!" Understanding these risk factors is the first step toward taking control of your heart health. But in theHarvard Dialect Survey, a linguistics survey conducted in the early aughts by a team led byBert Vaux,approximately three percent of respondentsmostly people in the Northeastnoted that they don't pronounce the "h" sound when saying words like "huge," "humor," "humongous," and "human. A positive, excited or enthusiastic proclamation of agreement. This peculiaraccentiscertainlyrecognisable, funny and occasionally difficult to understand. Quite aware of languages evolution but when l heard the Queen s speech about the virus on television l thought my God what a beautiful language. Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get Ya new cahs wicked pissa Even though it sounds like your friend is insulting you this is the height of compliments in Boston. So, if a Steelers fan asks you if you want to go "dahntahn," you know they want to head into the city. Example: Are ye in lectures? It's basically a 'flat' accent with emphasised vowels like A (pronounced ah as in car) and O (pronounced ohw as in snow) but often varied pronunciation between different words, which you'll find tricky if you're learning English for the first time: words like cough and dough are spelled almost the same but spoken differently. Contrary to what you may have though howway means,that isnot a Geordie way to send away people they dont like. The word get does not rhyme with yet here in the South writes Sarah Johnson a South Carolina native and Southern accent specialist. There is a common rhyme teachers use at school when students complain about not getting their first choice. Most sound the same from region to region. ", Unless you live on the West Coast, you probably don't even realize that there are two ways to pronounce "coyote." Feeling inspired to learn a language by all this talk of the Geordie accent? Non Geordie translation: someone who thinks a lot of themselves or looks rather special, either because of good looks or impressive clothes/accessories. Translation:Alright mate? Translation: Im in agreement. There are some words and one-liners used in everyday life in Boston. TAKE OUR GEORDIE QUIZ AND TEST YOUR WORD POWER "Bairn" (child), "hinny" (woman), "marra" (mate) and "hacky" (dirty) are popular North East words. To "gurn" is to complain or moan about something incessantly, as many Belfast locals like to do about the weather. So here, especially for those of you who don't know their geet walla from their gadgie, are 25 common phrases you'd only hear if you're lucky enough to call the North East home - translated . READ THIS NEXT: 40 Words That Will Instantly Reveal Your True Age. Use: When youve ventured to the top of the Baltic viewing box to take the perfect Quayside picture and it starts pouring with rain. The majority of Americans can agree on the fact that the "ee" in "creek" is pronounced like "seek." Theyre all Geordies, so go have a listen to them and see if you can understand what theyre saying. A post shared by John Alderson (@johnaldersonphotography), A post shared by Aminder Mann (@aminderkm), A post shared by Rich Endean (@richendean1979), A post shared by Photographer NE (@photographerne), When spring 2023 starts in the UK and why there are different ways of calculating the first day, Why February only has 28 days, and when the next leap year is, UK could mass vaccinate chickens to prevent bird flu spreading between humans, Stop blindly believing or dismissing the Covid lab-leak theory - focus on the evidence, The Witch Trials of JK Rowling makes sensible points. 2021 Associated Newspapers Limited. Howzit gan?' - 'Greetings my fine fellow, art thou well?' Added to this there are numerous dialects for example: ginnel, snicket, twitten, twitchel, wynd and vennel all refer to the same thing. scientific studies and medical journals. Geordie People from Newcastle speak the Geordie dialect, and they're called Geordies too. Hot dish No, I do not mean a dish that is hot. For some Americans, the word "picture" doesn't have a "k" sound; it sounds more like "pitcher." ", Non Geordie translation: wife, female companion or life partner, Usage: "Dee us some scran (see 12), hinny, I'm clamming (see 11). 18. Mardy. The North East is well known and loved for the Geordie language and dialect which is sometimes indecipherable to Southern types. Yankee doodle &c. Thomas Read, The British Harmonist, 1795 Billingsgate According to the Harvard Dialect Survey, just over five percent of respondentsprimarily people in Northern and Midwestern statessay the state's name with a "z" sound. But why is Geordie called Geordie? 199 106 The accent says otherwise, but I was born in New York. However, the Harvard Dialect Survey discovered that in the Northeast region, people tend to pronounce this vowel so that it sounds more like "near." Ideally you should start saying these tongue twisters slowly and then each time you repeat them pick up the pace a little. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Now emphasize the Y over the E. Dont let its being combined with other vowels confuse you. Howay in this context means Come on! What Can I Say When A Boston Accent Ruins A Relationship Boston Accent Boston Strong Boston, Pin By Debra Macarthur On Boston You Re My Home Rhode Island History Rhode Island Boston Strong, Massachusetts Massachusetts Photo Quotes Boston Accent, Pin By Sherie Holden On Massholes Boston Strong Lawrence Massachusetts New England, Ha Love The Words Boston Strong Boston Accent Humor, Boston Speak Postcard Sayings Postcard Boston Accent, Pin By Adam Lichtman On Boston Accent Boston Accent Boston Strong Boston, Imgur Boston Accent Boston Strong Funny Quotes, Boston Slang Guide Poster Funny New England Massachusetts Etsy Funny New Slang New England, Pin By Jessie Donovan On Boston Boston Accent Weekend In New England Boston Strong, Bluehost Com Boston Accent Boston Strong Words, New England Slang Visitrhodeisland Boston Strong New England Newport Rhode Island, Chowdaheadz On Twitter Boston Strong Winter Humor New Hampshire, Pin By Vicki Fader On Lolz Word Origins Booze New England Usa, Designs Back To Beantown Boston Strong Boston Massachusetts Boston. Who? 33 extinct Geordie sayings which are so funny they should be brought back, Geordie put-downs: The wittiest North East ways to put you in your place, How to get ChronicleLive's top stories sent straight to your inbox with our newsletters, Can you pronounce these tricky North East place names? Send away people they dont like likely to be addressed in Newcastle as pet, a South Carolina native Southern. Sparrow, but I can pass the `` ee '' in `` handkerchief '' have the same 24,. The greeting: & # x27 ; s present in words such as to fettle someone means! With someone without resorting to a boring `` yes '' the writers to stop using it thats... Yes '' though howway means, that isnot a Geordie accent can be said in a! To fettle someone which means to sort them out sentence: Do ye want some?! Youre trying to get the whole squad together for Hoppings Festival Do you have plans tonight funny the Yorkshire... 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