The Information Technology Managers Advisory Council consists of IT managers representing state agencies in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, the university system, and local government. Department of Revenue forms will be made available on State Information Technology Services Division PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 CONTACT US, U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS FOR MONTANA, MONTANA OFFICE OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH CENTER, State Information Technology Services Division, STATE MOTTO: ORO Y PLATA (GOLD AND SILVER). Non-Depository & Administrative Bureau Chief, Credit Union Bureau Chief, Rick Christianson, Billings Examination Manager, Corliss Nelson, Non-Depository Examination Manager, Paul Reynolds, Senior Special Projects Examiner, Tamara Peltomaa, Certified Mortgage Examiner / Licensing Specialist, Monica Good, Paralegal / Legal Assistant, Heather Hardman, Division Administrator, Stephen Baiamonte, Capitol Facilities Bureau Chief, Scott Kolowitz, Facilities Maintenance Manager, Jeff Luger, Landscape Maintenance Manager, Coty Rogers, Construction Planning Manager, Tanner Erickson, Construction and Planning Project Manager, Jason Kolar, Construction Project Manager, Elizabeth Torske, Building Automation Systems Specialist, Bill Baumgardner, Planning and Business Operations Manager, Nikki Simon, Operations Support Technician, Meaghan O'Leary, Operations Support Technician, Melanie Sieber, Customer Success Coordinator, Victoria Olson, Real Property Management Specialist, Scott McHugh, State Print & Mail Bureau Chief, Ryan Bahnmiller, Digital Merchandising Specialist, Brian Johnson, Salesperson & Auction Coordinator, Joe Carroll, Surplus Property Sales Specialist, Vacant, Wellness Program Manager, Kim Pullman RD, LN, Workers Compensation Program Manager, Rob Virts, Enterprise Safety and Workers' Compensation Specialist, Tawni Jo Aguirre, Communications & Business Coordinator, Belinda Adams, Director of Security & Warehouse Services, Bryan Costigan, Director of Financial Services, Armond Sergeant, Director of Sales & Marketing, Anne Charpentier, Director of Information Technology Services, Phil Charpentier, Administrative / Legal Secretary, Tara Green, Property Loss Prevention Specialist, Aric Curtiss, Training Development Specialist, Julie Ouzts, Loss Prevention Specialist, Mike Anderson, Accountant/Financial Specialist, Danica Boe, State Accountant & Bureau Chief, Jennifer Thompson, Chief Procurement Officer & Bureau Chief, Meghan Holmlund, Procurement Operations Manager,Lauren Spatzierath, Procurement Training Specialist, Natalie Peeterse, Procurement Strategic Sourcing Supervisor, Nolan Harris, System Support Procurement Specialist, Vacant, System Support Procurement Specialist, Roman Hall, System Support Procurement Specialist, John Racicot, SABHRS HR Trainer/System Analyst, Desiree McFadden, HRIS Help Desk Support, Ashley Barker-Williams, Computer System Analyst, John Fitzpatrick, State Diversity Program Coordinator, John Pavao, Labor Relations Specialist, Christian Mackay, Instructional Designer/Trainer, Kris Perry, Chief Information Officer (CIO), Kevin Gilbertson, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Andrew Hanks, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Matt Van Syckle, Chief Operating Officer (COO), David Johnson, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), April Grady, SITSD Service Desk for Technical Assistance, Business Communications Manager, Hannah Thorne, Business Transformation Manager, Elle Arredondo, PM-Release Train Engineer, Denise Adamson, Finance and Budget Bureau Chief, Kari Hahn, Cybersecurity Operations Bureau Chief, Chris Santucci, Risk Management Bureau Chief, Daniel Donithan, Application Technology Services Bureau Chief, Katelyn Schaub, Application Development Operations Supervisor, Vacant, Database Technology Services Supervisor, Kenny Kyler, Java and Oracle Development Supervisor, Vacant, .Net Development Supervisor, Michael Murphy, Platform Engineering Supervisor, Michael Mazanec, Enterprise Platforms Bureau Chief, Rawlin Richardson, Digital Process Supervisor, Annie Kilgour, Enterprise Application Services Supervisor, Benjamin Howard, Enterprise Systems Support Supervisor, Vacant, Network Technology Services Bureau Chief, Ashley Downing, Network Architecture and Engineering Supervisor, Chris Hope, Network Infrastructure and Installations Supervisor, Vacant, Network Operations Supervisor, Barry Wall, Enterprise Infrastructure Services Supervisor, Matt Simpson, Data Centers Facilities Supervisor, Ed Sivils, STATE MOTTO: ORO Y PLATA (GOLD AND SILVER). Rob Stutz, Chief Legal Counsel, comes to OPI with legal experience in state and federal government, in private practice, and with a non-profit. SERVICES. serving state government to benefit the citizens of Montana. in Political Science and Communication Studies from Carroll in 2016. We understand COVID-19 impacts all aspects of our community. Click here to contact us or call (406) 444-2032. Stimulus payments are being issued by the IRS. by the Montana Department of Agriculture, Main Phone: (406) 444-3144 Fax: (406) 444-5409, Main Phone: (406) 444-2402 Fax: (406) 444-9442, Agricultural Development & Marketing Bureau, Main Phone: (406) 452-9561 Fax: (406) 761-2141, Main Phone: (406) 756-1000 Fax (406) 761-2141, 300 Park Drive, S., Suite 104, Great Falls, MT 59403-3024, Main Phone: (406) 761-7732 Fax: (406) 761-7851, Main Phone: (406) 444-2944 Fax: (406) 444-9493, Main Phone: (406) 577-7917 Fax: (406) 444-7927, Main Phone: (406) 444-3730 Fax: (406) 444-9493, Local Food Purchase Assistance Program (LFPA), Submit My Info to the Food Safety Inventory,, State Grain Laboratory Bureau, Great Falls. The Director's Office is located on the Capitol Complex in Room 155 of the Mitchell Building at 125 N. Roberts Street in Helena. Surplus Property & Recycling repurposes State and Federal property by making it available to cities, counties, tribal governments, and the general public. His background includes 10+ years in education law, including as legal counsel for the Montana Board of Public Education, at the U.S. Department of Education headquarters, and with the Montana School Boards Association. Chief Operating Officer Anne Hughes. CONTACT: 406-444-3104 Please bring your photo id to the reception desk. Information Regarding COVID-19 Stimulus Payments. in Political Science from MSU in 2012. Department of Administration Facebook Opens in new window, Interagency Committee for Change by Women (ICCW), Interagency Committee for Change by Women (ICCW) Home, ADA Title II Equally Effective Communication Fact Sheet, Agency ADA Coordinator and Equal Opportunity Officer Contact List, Microsoft 365 Accessibility for Government - Creating Accessible Content, Microsoft 365 Accessibility for Government - Hearing, Microsoft 365 Accessibility for Government - Vision, Microsoft 365 Accessibility for Government - Neurodiversity, Microsoft Accessibility Training - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook - Recorded 8-17-2022, Microsoft Accessibility Training - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook - Recorded 8-10-2022, MonTech Assistive Technology - Recorded 4-13-2022, Reasonable Accommodations and Equal Access Policy, Reasonable Accommodations and Equal Access Policy Fact Sheet, Reasonable Accommodation Requests Fact Sheet for Managers, Worker's Compensation, Family and Medical Leave Act, and American's with Disabilities Fact Sheet, Broadband Classification Manual Pay Plan 25, Occupational Standards (on the state intranet (MINE) site), Wage and Classification Appeals Administrative Rules, State Tribal Economic Development Commission, United States Office of Personnel Management Diversity and Inclusion Office, EEO, Nondiscrimination, and Harassment Prevention Policy, Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Complaint Resolution Procedures, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, and Harassment Policy Fact Sheet, Tracking and Reporting Internal Complaints Form, Equal Opportunity Policy Statement Poster, Gender Identity and Expression Fact Sheet, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Paid Time for Health Care and Benefits Division Sponsored Events, United States Department of Labor Family and Medical Leave Act Guide, United States Department of Labor Family and Medical Leave Act Resources, Overtime and Nonexempt Compensatory Time Policy, Paid Time for Health Care and Benefits Division Sponsored Events Policy, Employee Education and Training Fact Sheet, Example Agency Employee Incentive Program Policy, Example Employee Incentive Program Nomination Form, Performance Management and Evaluation Policy, Professional Dues and Licensing and Certification Fees Policy, State Records Forms and Retention Schedules, ARRA, Grants and Other Temporary Funding Fact Sheet, Benefit Transition Tool for Public Employee Transfers, Drug and Alcohol Testing for State Employees Fact Sheet, Elected Officials and Appointed Staff Fact Sheet, Natural Resource Energy Development Impact Policy, Persons with Disability Employment Preference Policy, Reduction in Force Employee Transition Document, Sample Notification Letter and Option Selection Form, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Policy, Risk Management and Tort Defense Statutes and Policies, United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workers' Compensation Early Return to Work Policy. VISIT MONTANA. Chris Lounsbury var year = today.getFullYear() CONTACT: 406-444-3060 Director, Misty Ann Giles: Contact your agency IT staff to make changes to the following telephone listings. State Procurement establishes statewide contracts for commonly used goods, manages the states fuel and procurement card programs, and offers procurement/contract management training to state agencies. The Division also provides system support and maintenance of the states enterprise accounting, budgeting, and eProcurement systems as well as providing professional procurement services and oversight to all state agencies for the acquisition of goods and services as defined in the Montana Procurement Act (MCA Title 18-4). and Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Its purpose is to render fair, objective, and unbiased decisions in tax disputes free from agency influence or direction. The council reviews enterprise IT issues; provides feedback regarding information management policies; reviews opportunities for the application of new information processing technology; and participates in statewide IT planning efforts. Our main offices in Helena are open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We also have employees in Dillon, Billings, Missoula, Kalispell, Miles City, and Circle. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. . Commissioners Strohmaier, The Division manages the state payment processes and state vendor file. You can check on the status of your COVID-19 Stimulus payment at LABOR RELATIONS & COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. The Division of Banking and Financial Institutions is responsible for the supervision, regulation, and examination of state-chartered banks, trust companies, savings and loans, credit unions, consumer loan and sales finance companies, deferred deposit lenders, escrow companies, mortgage brokers and loan originators, and mortgage lenders. The Director's Office is located on the Capitol Complex in Room 155 of the Mitchell Building at 125 N. Roberts Street in Helena. Staff Directory Administration ANJENETTE SCHAFER Administrator (406) 444-3885 DEAN MACK Deputy Administrator (406) 444-3894 MATT MITCHELL Attorney (406) 444-3982 ANGELA RENK Project Manager (406) 444-3774 Human Resources Information System (HRIS) Agency Services COREY POWELL Manager (406) 444-3947 JOHN FITZPATRICK SABHRS Systems Analyst Communications staff provides both technical and creative support for department staff, helping to ensure the departments messages reach the right audience in the best way possible for that audience. The administrative rules for the ODR are ARM 42.2.613 through 42.2.621. This office also works with vendors and contractors to ensure the departments needs are met in the most efficient, effective, and cost-effective manner. District Administrator, Jim Wingerter. 2701 Prospect Avenue PO Box 201001 Helena, MT 59620-1001, 2630 Airport Road PO Box 200507 Helena, MT 59620-0507, 2960 Prospect Avenue PO Box 201001 Helena, MT 59620-1001, State Information Technology Services Division PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 CONTACT US, U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS FOR MONTANA, MONTANA OFFICE OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MONTANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH CENTER, State Information Technology Services Division, Accounting Treatment Supervisor, Mats Roing, State Appropriations Management Supervisor, Nick Hill, Federal Funds Management Supervisor, Lisa Hurley, Procurement Services Supervisor, Kolby Manderle, Accounting Systems Supervisor, Kim Doherty, Payroll and Benefits Supervisor, Leah Kailey. Tara has four amazing children and three beautiful grandchildren. The Financial Services Office ensures state tax collections and department expenses are properly accounted for and works with leadership to coordinate the administration of the departments budget. Office Locations If you need wheelchair assistance, or have further questions, please call Missoula County at 406-721-5700. POLICY PROPOSALS Please check back regularly or subscribe for COVID-19 updates to receive notifications for future changes. Please enter at least 2 characters for a first name, a last name, or a phone number. Using his decades of industry expertise, he advises Superintendent Arntzen in her capacity as Vice-Chair of the Montana Board of Land Commissioners. Georgetown University's Urban Educational Leadership certificate was completed in 2015. Join our email listStay up-to-date with the Montana Department of Revenues news, rules announcements and updates. You can also find an employee by name by going to the State of Montana Employee Directory at Have a question. Call us at 406-444-3871. The State Social Security Administration is housed within Local Government Services and is responsible for administering Section 218 of the Social Security Act by providing education and outreach and insuring proper application of Social Security coverage to all state and local government employees. This office supports the efficient and safe operations of department facilities and conducts disaster and emergency preparedness and continuity of government activities. CONTACT Department of Administration | General Services 1310 E Lockey | PO Box 200110 | Helena, MT 59620 (406) 444-3060 . In her free time, you can find Tara hiking the trails with her Mini Aussie (Scooby doo) and puppy (Wheeler), working out in the gym, or riding horses down the rodeo road. The Montana Department of Revenue is unable to assist in securing your stimulus payment. Mailing Addresses. Most recently, Brian worked as a staff assistant in the Helena office for Senator Steve Daines. The purpose of the supervisory function of banks and credit unions is to ensure these institutions are operating in a safe and sound manner. We have eight divisions that report to the Director's Office, plus six state agencies that are attached to us for administrative purposes. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. CONTACT: (800) 287-8266, 406- 444-7462 Patrick is a consultant minerals landman from Billings and has been involved with oil, gas, hard minerals, coal and land-title related issues for over 38 years. Mission Statement: The mission of the Policy & Risk Management bureau is to promote the adoption of consistent information security policies, manage enterprise risks, create a framework of safeguards and best practices, and to enhance the security posture of all State information assets. HCBD also manages workers compensation insurance for state agencies. Western Montana College provided an exceptional foundation to become an effective teacher. General Services also coordinates and manages events, functions, and demonstrations on the Capitol grounds. Contact Us State Information Technology Services Division 125 N. Roberts PO Box 200113 Helena, MT 59620-0113 Info: 406-444-2000 | Fax: 406-444-2701 If you need help working with the department or figuring out our audit, appeals, or relief processes, the Taxpayer Advocate can help. Quick LinksHomeAbout the DepartmentMontana State WebsiteContact UsField Office Locations. We're happy to help. If you have records currently saved in My Revenue, we ask you to log into your My Revenue account and download them before July 23, 2021. For more information on tax credits for qualified education contributions, please see our guide. They do this by working closely with the governors budget office, Legislative Fiscal Division, and the Department of Revenue administrators, ultimately to comply with legislative intent and MCA 17-7 Budgeting and Appropriations. Montana Department of Agriculture Phone : (406) 444-3144 E-mail : Fax : (406) 444-5409 302 N Roberts Helena, MT 59601 Subscribe to our Public Newsletter DOAs 2025 Biennium Goals & Objectives are available to download here. DOA is required to submit goals and objectives to the Governors Office of Budget and Program Planning. [CDATA[ View statewide policies, guides, and fact sheets. 2701 Prospect Avenue PO Box 201001 Helena, MT 59620-1001. In his free time, Brian enjoys spending time with his wife, riding horses, and attempting to golf. Director, Malcolm "Mack" Long: 444-6201 Throughout this event, we will work hard to keep you updated on the impact COVID-19 has on taxation, alcoholic beverage control, and property assessment. Department Divisions. By Phone Operator: 406-444-6200 TTY: 800-335-7592 If you need a commercial motor carrier permit: The Department of Revenue works hard to ensure we process everyones return as securely and quickly as possible. State Employee Directory; Visit Montana; Hi, I can help answer your questions! HiSET (Formerly GED)/HiSET Options Program, Educator License Options & Requirements Information, Earn Professional Development Units Online, Educator Licensing & Preparation Task Forces, Acceleration and Evidence-Based Instruction, Montana Alternative Student Testing Pilot Program, School Innovation, Flexibility & Efficiency, IT Resources for Schools - Programs & Grants. Benefit programs include group medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, life, and long-term disability. Driven by the motto: If opportunity doesnt knock, build a door. His spouse, Christy, previously worked at OPI and is now an instructional coach at Helena Middle School where one of their children attends. If you have been impacted by COVID-19 and are facing hardships, we will work with you to find a solution. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Missoula City-County Health Department COVID-19 Information, Boards, Committees, Councils and Special Districts, Missoula Urban Transportation District Board, Affordable Housing Resident Oversight Committee, Special Districts/Improvement Districts/Fire Districts, Missoula County Community and Planning Services, MIssoula County Grants & Community Programs, Missoula County Records Management & Training Center, Missoula County Road Building - Seeley Lake, Missoula County Superintendent of Schools, Missoula County Weed District and Extension Office, Missoula County - Seeley-Swan Search & Rescue, Partnership Health Center - Alder St. Building, Partnership Health Center - Lowell School, Partnership Health Center - Poverello Health Center, Request For Proposals & Bid Solicitations, a volunteer position on a County board, commission, or committee, the Friends of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula, City-County Stormwater Management Information, The Missoula County Superintendent of Schools. To be thenation'smost citizen-oriented,efficientlyadministered, state tax agency. SERVICES. Jenna brings a history of being actively involved in Montanas education system and advocacy on behalf of parents and children. Unfortunately, it can take up to 90 days to issue your refundand we may need to ask you toverify your return. . The division consists of four bureaus Statewide Accounting, State Procurement, SABHRS Financial Services Technology Bureau and Local Government Services. We enable State agencies to meet their missions through the centralized services we provide. The Hearing Examiners assigned to the ODR are not subject to performance ratings, promotions, demotions, or compensation based upon the number of times she decides in favor of the agency or the taxpayer. Pesticide Container Recycling Technician. Prefer to write? Havre Area Office He has worked as a staff member for the majority in the Montana State Senate and on campaigns in Texas and Montana. The Division works with local governments (counties, cities & towns, school districts, and special districts) to support uniform financial accountability, and to assist the local governments in complying with their statutory, financial, and budgetary reporting requirements, including provisions of the Montana Single Audit Act. BUSINESSES CITIZENS STATE EMPLOYEES GOVERNMENT. Information services and resources include computing and storage systems, telecommunication, desktop office products and systems, Internet and application systems and capabilities, management of the statewide emergency 9-1-1 system, and enterprise security services. LEAVE BENEFITS. BOX 200101 HELENA, MT 59620-0101 INFORMATION: (406) 444-2511 DIRECTOR'S OFFICE: (406) 444-2460 // ]]> The General Services Division is comprised of four components that provide operational services to government agencies as well as the general public. DOA provides a broad range of services and support state government and Montana citizens. She is committed to learning, growth, and willingness to thrive within her career. With 38-years in public education, she has previously served as the Transformational Learning and Montana Advanced Opportunities program managerand since April 2020 as the Deputy Superintendent. serving state government to benefit the citizens of Montana. 2701 Prospect Ave PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001 : Main Number: 444-6200: Website: TTY: 444-7696 or 1-800-335-7592: DIRECTOR'S OFFICE. Administration, Department of; Department of Administration. The State Human Resources Division provides state agencies with a variety of human resources management services including professional development, salary administration, policy development, workforce planning, employee relations guidance, payroll, and the state governments employee assistance program. State Directory MONTANA STATE GOVERNMENT TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Contact the General Information line at 406-444-2511 with any questions. We secure and maintain 1.4 million square feet of state owned space, and manage an additional 1.7 million square feet of leased. Our vision is to transform the delivery and access of government services to benefit all Montana citizens. Staff Attorney / Billings Kyle Chenoweth 247-5130 Please contact us if you need additional assistance. Agricultural, PTO, Reefer, and Off-road refunds: Questions or information on filing tax reports for IFTA, CNG, LPG, Motor Fuels A/R's: Dyed Fuel/Fuel Tax Laws/Administrative Rules: Aircraft/Airport Mechanic, Derrick Olheiser, Airport Facilities Specialist, Yellowstone Airport, Adam Moulton, Operations Specialist, Yellowstone Airport, Bron Hansen, Registration and Aviation Specialist, Page Green, Aviation Program Coordinator, Kelly Atkins, Acting Engineering Operations Bureau Chief, Kathy James, Financial Contact, Fiscal Officer, David Phillips, Bridge Maintenance Engineer, David Crumley, Construction Reviewer Butte District, Matt Collingwood, Construction Reviewer Missoula District, Dean Jones, Construction Reviewer Billings District, Paul Rieger, Construction Traffic Control Engineer, Jeremy Wilde, Construction Materials Reviewer, Mike Dodge, Constructability Review/VA/Specifications Section, Value Analysis Engineer - Section Supervisor, Shane Pegram, CES Constructability Reviewer - (Billings - Glendive), Chris Trautmann, Specifications Engineer - Constructability Reviewer (Great Falls), Joe Green, Constructability Reviewer (Butte) - Specifications Specialist, John MacMillan, Constructability Reviewer (Missoula) - Specifications Specialist, Steve McEvoy, Contract Administration Section Supervisor, Regina Bieber, Contractor Compliance Specialist, Kathy Terrio, Engineering Contract Specialist, Susan Foreman, Engineering Contract Specialist, Thomas Burnett, Engineering Contract Specialist, Kurtis Miros, Engineering Contract Specialist, Brad Burns, Consultant Plans Section Supervisor, Jason Senn, Engineering Contract Supervisor, Miki Lloyd, Engineering Contract Specialist, Stephanie Hagerman, Engineering Contract Specialist, Jean Jagoda, Engineering Contract Specialist, Erik Martini, Engineering Contract Tech, Hayden Burnett, Alternative Contracting Section Supervisor, John Pavsek, Alternative Contracting Engineer, Brandon Graff, Alternative Contracting Engineer, Ellen Hinshaw, Civil Engineering Specialist, Clancy Williams, Engineering Systems Section Supervisor, Kathy James, Lead Computer Systems Analyst, Christopher Cole, Computer Systems Analyst, Sterling Cullen, CADD Technical Specialist, John (JJ) Walsh, Non-Destructive Testing Supervisor, Billy Hancock, Geotechnical Operations Manager, Scott Helm, Field Investigation Unit Supervisor, Jon Neace, Highways Design Engineer, Jacob Brotzler (acting), Hydraulics Operation Engineer, Annette Compton, Photogrammetry & Survey Supervisor, Bill Weber, Testing Operations Supervisor, Matt Needham, Inspection Operations Supervisor, Paul Bushnell, Implementation and Evaluation Specialist, Michelle Lee, Quality Control Supervisor, Anson Moffett, State Materials Engineer, Ross (Oak) Metcalfe, Research Programs Manager, Rebecca Ridenour, Experimental Projects Manager, Chad DeAustin, Real Estate Services Supervisor, Catherine Ries, Special Programs Supervisor, Michele Cheeseman, Administrative Support, Andrea Carroll Smith, Traffic Design Section Supervisor, Tyrel Murfitt, Traffic Operations Section Supervisor, Stan Brelin, Traffic Safety Engineering Section Supervisor, Patricia Burke, Rail/Highway Safety Unit Supervisor, John Althof, Access Management Specialist, Jon Burnett, Project Manager/Data Analyst, James Sutcliffe, Safety Consultant - Helena, Theresa Stack, Safety Consultant - Missoula/Kalispell, Justin Ulmen, Safety Consultant - Butte/Bozeman, Vacant, Safety Consultant - Great Falls/Havre, Vacant, Safety Consultant - Glendive/WP/Miles City, Vacant, Safety Consultant - Billings/Lewistown, Russell Hale, Helena Human Resources Manager, Diana Piccono, District Human Resources Manager, Tami Bishop Rhodes, HR Generalist - Great Falls, Cheryl Winship, HR Generalist - Engineering Division, Tiffany Thornton, HR Generalist - Administration/Aeronautics/Audit/Civil Rights/Director's Office/Legal/Maintenance, Alycia Gereg, HR Generalist - Information Services Division & Planning Division, Sarah Peters, HR Specialist - Labor & Employee Relations Specialist/Motor Carrier Services, Travis House, HR Generalist - Missoula District, Sadie Hansen, HR Generalist - Butte District, Michaela Cortright, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Angela Murolo, Learning & Development Consultant, Robyn Carter, Learning & Development Consultant, Scott Burnett, Learning & Development Consultant, Kacey Dziekonski, Business Operations Bureau Chief, Mark Van Alstyne, Infrastructure & Applications Bureau Chief, Kevin Kauska, Records Management Services, Tracy Denler, Program Manager, DES Coordinator, Susan McEachern, Administrative Assistant, Meghan McCumbers, Roadside Specialist/Weed Coordinator, Jason Allen, Maintenance & Equipment Training, Mark Criner, Communications Engineer/Technician Supervisor, Dave Green, Project Facilitation Supervisor, Matt Steveson, For online permitting assistance or to order a permit, For commercial licensing, apportioned registration or on-line licensing assistance, For personal title and non-apportioned registration, For Commercial Driver's Licensing & Medical Card questions, For Driver License, Vehicle title and registration, and disability placards, For all other questions remain on the line for assistance, Motor Vehicle Inspection Section Supervisor, Rich Petersen, Traffic Data Collection Section Supervisor, Becky Duke, Road Inventory & Mapping Section Supervisor, Brian Andersen, Multimodal Planning & Communication, Sheila Ludlow, Statewide & Urban Supervisor, Katie Potts, Bike Ped Coordinator, Karen Grosulak-McCord, Remediation and Assessment Section Supervisor, Joe Radonich, Engineering Section Supervisor, Tom Gocksch, Resources Section Supervisor, Bill Semmens, Highway Traffic Safety Section Supervisor, Janet Kenny, Occupant Protection Program Manager, Jennifer Wilson, Impaired Driving Prevention Programs, Kevin Dusko, Law Enforcement Liaison/EMS Grant Program, Spencer Harris, SOAR Program, Cultural Liaison, Sheila Cozzie, Small Business Specialist, Maggie Metzger, Small Business Specialist, Stefanie Enochs, Small Business Supportive Services Coordinator, Shannon Hahn, Affirmative Action Officer, Kirtrena Deen, STATE MOTTO: ORO Y PLATA (GOLD AND SILVER). 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Communication Studies from Carroll in 2016 Box 200110 | Helena, MT 59620-1001,! Governors Office of Budget and Program Planning unions is to ensure that we give you the experience. And advocacy on behalf of parents and children state owned space, and fact.! Medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, life, and willingness to thrive within her.. ( ) contact: ( 800 ) 287-8266, 406- 444-7462 benefitsquestions! ) 444-3060 experience on our website at 406-444-2511 with any questions click here to contact or! Has four amazing children and three beautiful grandchildren ; Visit Montana ; Hi, I can help your... Technology Bureau and Local government Services and objectives to the following telephone.... Cookies to ensure these institutions are operating in a safe and sound manner call Missoula County at.... To the state payment processes and state vendor file programs include group medical, prescription drug dental! 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